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I used to have an Amazon parrot a long time ago ~~~  Are there any laws about traveling with it?
Camo resting while I search the interweb and Camo telling me enough of the interweb and Camo getting what he ultimately wants, a truck ride!


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Here is Oliver a 6 year old black lab mix. He will be traveling to California with me next year after I graduate.


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Spaceman Spiff said:
Have a beagle that was abused/bounced around as a puppy.  He has separation anxiety (5 years and counting).  Some dogs never get over it.  I wish you luck.  Let me know if you find something that works.

-- Spiff

I did crate training with my GSD, and after he established his safe place in the crate he was OK. He always needs a place to get under (the table, the bed, the vehicle) and he has a special bond with each and every toy he has. I use those squishy plastic Kong toys with him. The crate training also helped with cutting down on eating foreign objects.  My GSD also refused to eat dog food when I got him (he was a 7 mo rescue) and I discovered that he needs social contact during meals. So we also have a meal ritual that keeps him eating dog food. He is now 11 and doing great. - Crofter

This is my crazy dog. She hates having her picture taken so I have to pretend I am reading on my phone to trick her in order to get a photo.-


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crofter said:
She looks like a sweetie. Is she a shepherd or a mix?  - Crofter

She is sweet most of the time. She is awful during storms. She once tore my bathroom sink off the wall while I was at work and flooded my basement! Luckily after that, I got the idea to put her in my car and park it in an underground parking garage while I am at work if storms are forecast. That is going to be my biggest challenge when I start full timing. I might keep my car for that reason.

She is a Shepherd/Sheltie mix
They really are, Lynne... and these two are my constant companions. They're both quite well traveled now. Lady has been to both coasts, and from Minneapolis on the north to the Rio Grande in the south. Winston, for his youth has been to both coasts but doesn't quite have the miles that Lady's accumulated in her years.

Have you considered a storm jacket and crate for your dog for storms? They really do wonders to help them feel more secure.
I have tried both. She busted out of the crate by bending and breaking the bars and then I found her in a weird space in the ceiling rafters of the basement. I have no idea how she got up there. It wasn't easy getting her down. I got her a more secure airline style crate and she didn't break out of it but tore some of her claws out in the attempt. That was a bloody mess and the last time I put her in a crate. The thundershirt had no effect but through very liberal use of xanax and lots of praise when she isnt destroying things, she has gotten better enough that maybe the thundershirt will help now. She hasn't destroyed anything too recently although a couple of weeks ago, she jumped up onto my counter in a panic during an unexpected storm and got into the dish-rack where she put her grubby paws and her butthole on all the dishes I had just washed!!!!
Van Lady said:
Zoe, the sweetest little maltipoo in the world on her 8th birthday. No, she does not usually wear dresses.....this was a special occasion. I wanted to send a birthday picture to my grandkids. I love my dog[HEAVY BLACK HEART]️


I had to put my beloved Zoe down in Oct, 2017 due to kidney disease. It broke my heart, but I refused to let her suffer for months just to die in the end.
I am picking up a Maltipoo puppy later this week.
I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to let a dog go. Congrats on the new puppy though. I hope you are willing to share some of that puppy cuteness with some photos!
slynne said:
I got the idea to put her in my car and park it in an underground parking garage while I am at work if storms are forecast. 
Sounds like the car is her safe place. Elmo will sit in the Chevrolet for hours when he is anxious. I just leave the door open for him and he goes in there and sits.
Van Lady said:
I had to put my beloved Zoe down in Oct, 2016 (age 9) due to kidney disease. It broke my heart, but I refused to let her suffer for months just to die in the end.
I am picking up a Maltipoo puppy later this week.
Van Lady said:
I had to put my beloved Zoe down in Oct, 2017 due to kidney disease. It broke my heart, but I refused to let her suffer for months just to die in the end.
I am picking up a Maltipoo puppy later this week.

So sorry to hear about your little pup, hope the new puppy can ease the heartache a bit.
Slynne, have you ever tried a Thunder Jacket? Works for some, not others.