sharing what im learning, for newbies

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2015
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I did not know that in order to run the furnace you must have electric. Yes if I were thinking this would make since. But in the fiasco of the purchase and all, I assumed I have fuel I have heat. not so.
 With this said I was just sitting here and the LPG detector starts going off. I relize the vent is blowing cold, the 80 lb dog is trying to hide behind the  cat and I an running around looking for the right bit to pull it out of the wall. So i ran out side and switched the propane bottles. Found the bit and pulled the fuse from back of detector put it back and whamo, back in business.
 But man what an ordeal, if I had been out my poor dog would had freaked the pitch is just to much for a canines ears.  
 Now I am thinking when I use the heater buddy because I wont have shore power, One should defiantly try to change bottles outside. But even then when it runs out it could set off the detector as well.
 I am just working through the kinks of living full time in my travel trailer and wanted to share. Any informative info that or others have not discovered or ignorantly took for granted would be appreciated.
If your propane furnace that came builtin was blowing air, it has the 12v that it needs to run.  The alarm going off is scary.  The cold air blowing on the propane detector may have set it off too.  Has the system been checked for leaks?  Does your furnace have a pilot light or does it have the direct spark ignition?  Your manual for the furnace will be helpful here.  With DSI (direct spark ignition) the system will try to ignite the flame 3 times and then stops.  The ones that have a pilot light will sometimes blow out and if you changed the tanks will need to be relit.

Any time you turn off the propane tank or switch the tanks, the stove top needs to be lit first to purge the system of any air.  Light the stove and let it run for a minute, then use whatever needs propane to work.
I got to thinking about your predicament.  If you have shore power, why aren't you using a 120v heater?  They can be had relatively cheaply.  I carry two for this purpose, a small 600 watt unit and a larger 900/1200 watt unit.  The size of your trailer and how well it is insulated will determine how big a heater you need.
Honestly don't know how its lit, thanks for the information. I will try to find out. Everything is back to good right now. I'm glad I posted this this is basic info that a newbie should now. I am in Joshua Texas and hammered with rain. I'm finding my fist 4 days in my trailer to be tuff with all the rain.
Yes I should but i am running low on the funds really would like to save whats left of the funds for solar. Maybe I will ckeck wallmart today.
I have rain in Hempstead, TX too.  Just a light drizzle and quite annoying.  I am trying to get the last details taken care of before I retire on the 4th of Jan. and head to the RTR and other adventures. :D
Also I am trying to learn how long I have sort of a trial run per say. I want to work all the issues out now. wants I pull out theres no return.
B and C said:
I have rain in Hempstead, TX too.  Just a light drizzle and quite annoying.  I am trying to get the last details taken care of before I retire on the 4th of Jan. and head to the RTR and other adventures. :D

sounds like we are in the same boat
Running out of propane should not set off an alarm, somethings not right. A Big Buddy heater running out of fuel should also not set off any alarms. How old is the trailer? It sounds to me like a breeze blew out the pilot light and you had a bit of propane escape and activate the alarm. If things are operating properly when a pilot light goes out the flow of propane to the furnace should shut down. Check the propane bottle you shifted from, if it's not empty that may be your issue and needs to be looked at.
Since this is for newbies:

It sounds like you are hooked up with power, water and sewer.  Leave your tank valves closed!  Very important.  If you leave the black tank valve open to the sewer, all the liquid drains away and you are left with a solid stinky mess.  Only dump the black tank when it gets to at least 2/3 full.  I have a light directly above my toilet and I just look down it to see the level.  You could use a flashlight, but don't drop it in as it can wreck havoc on the dump valves.  The gauges will lie.  After dumping the black tank, dump the grey tank to wash out the dump hose.  Put a gallon of water in the black tank before using it.  After first use, add some of the chemical that can be found in the RV section at Walmart for this purpose.  It will help break down the solids so they drain better. You don't want to build a mountain in the bottom of the black tank.  It will be difficult and expensive to get fixed.

Check the anode in the hot water heater twice a year.  The anode is sacrificial metal so your tank does not corrode.  I carry a spare to replace the one I have if it is eaten away and buy a replacement a soon as the spare I had is used.  I also carry a wand made to flush the HW heater out with.  It will reach to the back of the tank so that the calcium buildup can be flushed out the anode rod hole.  I have a remote temperature sensor stuck in between the tank and its' insulation. I turn on the HW heater and when it gets to the temperature I choose (it has an alarm when a preset temp is reached (103)), I turn off the HW heater.  That way as soon as the cold water in the lines is pumped out (I save it for cleaning), I can get in and take a shower without having to fiddle with mixing in the right amount of cold water for a comfortable shower.

I told you about lighting the stove first.  It makes lighting everything else a breeze.

What am I forgetting?

Need help with anything else?  Just ask. :)
Going to fill the bottle tomorrow ill get a full and empty weight so I will be able to tell. Also it is direct spark
I am only in my drive with a extension cord to the trailer but great information I needed to know on the tanks and hot water heater thanks bunches. A lot of this may have to wait till I can get to the RTR. Like I said 10+ inches of water is getting ruff.
A 20#propane tank will have the empty weight stamped into the side near the top , it will be something like 16 TW (that would be 16# tare weight).
We had a problem with the alarm going off when it got too humid in our trailer. Also, in cold temps, the furnace sometimes acted up and cut out when we needed it the most. It just seemed to get too hot and cycle off for awhile and blow cold air. It was a new trailer and this has happened in the other RVs also.
Do a Google search on "propane detectors and low batteries".

They run on the 12 volt system.  If the voltage is low, you could get false readings.  If it's REALLY low, the alarm will beep.

If you're plugged in to shore power and this is happening, it's possible the converter isn't working and the house battery isn't being charged.

Do you have, or do you know someone who has, a voltmeter?  Put a meter on the positive and negative terminals of your battery.  If it reads more than 13 volts, the convertor is working.  If it reads less than 12.7 volts, the convertor isn't charging.  Might be the converter is broken and needs replacing, or might be as simple as the AC circuit breaker popped.

Some propane leak detectors control electric valves in the propane system. This went out of fashion -- I think it caused more problems than it solved. As others have said, low voltage can cause the leak detector to alarm.
I just looked at one of my tanks.
The empty weight is actually stamped on the collar that goes around the valve'
It is TW 16.6LB on mine.
I have a light on my propane detector, it is normally yellow greenish if the alarm goes off which it does on occasion due to a bad ground that I keep meaning to fix, it is rebooting itself, and it beeps everytime it looses power, if it does not detect propane it stay green, it turns red when it detects propane and stays red till I reset it. This is to let me know if I am away from the vehicle when return I know that it detected propane even if the alarm is no longer on.