SE GTG in Alabama

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2012
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The SE vandweller GTG is staring at Raccoon Creek wildlife management area in northern Alabama, not far from Stevenson, AL. 

Figure there will be people there, folks coming & going for a couple of weeks starting Monday the 8th of April

There is nothing provided, there is nothing there, you need to bring your own and you need to pack it out.

Great people, a campfire to sit around & talk. A place to get help with your rig.

Nothing formal about this, just friendly people.

Most of the talk about this is done on facebook, look for Cuzzen Dyck...
It was a fine day yesterday here at the GTG and another good one expected today!
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and there are three of us left. We had 14 people show up this year, most of the people come for awhile and continue on. Some of us come because it's a nice place to hang out & there are good people around the campfire.
We go to talking and this gathering has been going on since 2012.