Saying Good Bye To Bindi

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The story has a happy ending Jay. Although not the best outcome for you and Margie, it will mean Bindi will continue to be cared for and loved. Many others in your situation would have been forced to put their companion down. You guys were fortunate to have found someone who was willing to help all of you. As much as it hurts to lose a best friend, you'll feel better knowing she's comfortable. My hope for you is that even without that little girl making you move to take care of her that you find reason to stay active.
Lora and I miss you guys and look forward to our next journey together.

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Wow. So sorry to hear about this.

I will tell you, every time I read one of your posts, I thought ahead to when our dogs might meet. My little girl (Mona, a 9 year old Pappillon) has also been an amazing companion. I dread the day when she will be gone, and I know that day will be here in the blink of an eye.  Whenever I really think about it, it is gut wrenching. Out of this fear, I can really sympathize with the loss you feel.

All the same, Bindi is still alive! It's very lucky that you found a vet willing to do all that work, presumably for no pay, and that the vet knows someone who can provide the level of care Bindi needs from here on out.

This is an extremely difficult part of life, but one I would ultimately not want to miss out on. Tennyson says it best: "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
I'm just heartbroken for you and Margie. Like everyone else has said, you put Bindis best interests first, and for that, you have been a great pet parent.

Please allow yourself as much time as you need to heal. Maybe you'll change your mind and decide to adopt another doggie...there are so many homeless pups that need the love and devotion you showed Bindi.

Take care.
Your new name is good Jay & Margie!

Glad you are coming to terms with this, such a hard choice!

It's likely here somewhere but its a lot of posts to big IS Bindi? As in pounds? Timex was wondering... we missed you all by spooked through Greasewood so fast the year we were there.

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At least for a while we will remain petless. We plan to do some of the things that are a bit restrictive with a new family member.
We'll see what the future brings.

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