Saying Good Bye To Bindi

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I just wish my heart would quit hurting and the tears stop. 
I miss that silly little doggie so much.
How can a grown man who has seen and felt all I have feel this way over a dog??
#1 You have NOT lost Bindi , you are just sharing her with someone else who will love her just like you do. And she will love them.
#2 You will probably even be able to visit ? in the future.
#3 Give the vet your email so the new "US" will be able to stay in touch.
#4 I had my Dalmation on the road with me for 16 years so I know how much it sucks to lose your fur kid , but back to #1 you have not lost Bindi! I think you did the right thing for her.
I have to admire and commend you for the strength in doing what is best for Bindi!

Many others wouldn't have been able to do it.

And better to feel the pain over losing custody of Bindi than to feel nothing.

I can't tell you when it will get better but it does..honestly!!
I know y'all are right. 
The only loved one I have ever lost was my mother who died some 35 years ago and I was devastated. This feels almost as bad. Not so sure I like this thing called love.

We could keep up by email (vet offered) but I think it's best to try to move on. I would be afraid to visit for fear I might abscond with her.

I'll be ok in a few days. Just have to sort out my emotions and stop blaming myself for health issues I had no control over. 

I'm thankful for all of you being so understanding while I cry on your shoulders.
I'll work a little harder on getting my head straight so we can all move on.
You both have a big heart.   

Stay well my friends.
Many hugs to you. Wishing you healing from this loss.

bummer dude,it always sucks to lose a good pet,been 5 years since i lost my dog and just recently been thinking about getting another but i'll have to run it by hairball my cat
Thanks everyone :)
After not sleeping last night, I felt like crap today. I got a nap this afternoon and now a good dinner under my belt and I feel much better. 
All of your positive re-enforcement helped a whole bunch.
Bindi&us, the only good thing I see about this is you can see how many people care about you and can relate. I couldn't quit crying yesterday when I was trying to post to you, now at least I can see through the tears:) thank u for all the support u offer us. I have found greif often lasts longer than ever expected and it comes and goes. Your posting on this helps going to be your shoes. Wishing us all peace
I'm sorry you had to suddenly part ways. I've seen this from the other side of things and if it's any consolation to you. You did a great thing by giving Bindi a chance, and I don't think I'd be handling this any better were I in your place.
Slept much better last night and feeling some better today, tho feeling wrung out emotionally.
I have Margie and all of you to thank for bolstering me up thru all this.
We have an amazing community here and I think the world of you all.
least I got a chance to hand out with bindi and you all a little reminder life is short make the most of it.
Glad you got a little rest, Jay, that will help.
My condolences.Unfortunately we have to suffer the loss of our pets in the end and it is heartbreaking.But nobody will ever convince me it's not worth it for all the years of pleasure a companion brings.
We're so sorry!  Jer & I send all our love.  I know nothing will fill that void you feel right now, but know you did the right thing.  I wish we could somehow make this better for you...hugs and light to you guys.
Bindi and us, I am sorry you had to make the decision you did, it's never easy. You mentioned a grown man crying. ..Sir, there is no shame in it. When my old Grouchy cat of 22 years died this retired Marine combat vet cried for two days. And still mist up when I see his picture on my screensaver. Be safe.
Y'all have been so comforting and supportive. I don't have words to express our thanks.

Part of my depression was that I felt I broke my promise to Bindi about this being her forever home with us. I promised I would love and care for her.
I had to come to terms with what I felt was a violation of my word.
I think I have pretty much resolved that matter and know I did my best for her.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart.