...and here we are, one more month down the actual road.
What that means is the house sold. I stuffed too many belongings into a uHaul in 3 days, drove to Rapid city, bought the RV, stuffed the way too much crap, minus a few things for the dumpster and giveaways, into the RV and drove to Quartzsite AZ, when I am now ensconced until mid-march when I have an appointment to get some specific frame welding done. That jaunt from Maine to AZ was 3700 miles, and while it was 10 days from start to finish, I spent 4 days in South Dakota, getting legal with a drivers license and registration of RV.
I arrived here on the 19th and have been bouncing about the various BLM locations, mostly relaxing from a hectic few months (decade?)
In my current location I am fairly well left alone with a few distant neighbors. Daisy ( the dog) has had it a bit rough, loosing here yard/domain and constantly facing new territory and smells.
The RV had a lot of knowns and of course there have been some uncovered unknowns. The furnace was inoperable according to the prior owner, but the actual issues was a new control board had not been properly configured to see the furnace. Once that was changed, poof, furnace! The known blinkers blowing fuses, was just a case of really old bulbs that had shorted out. The Generator has stopped running and the diagnosis is still underway. The dash AC compressor needs replacing ( a known ) ..... The engine is strong and runs smoothly. I have a ScanGaugeII hooked up and programed, a TPMS in place and a snappy GPS....
The trip in the RV from Rapid City to Quartzsite was... a trial by fire... that the rig passed through well... some STEEP climbs and descents and well as some nasty weather and salty/mucky road conditions.
I have been keeping mostly to myself, and today is a "rest and heal" day brought on my a trip over the dog leash Monday morning, and wook it on my palms and wrists... bruised and a bit gashed, but nothing broken ( phew!)... and to think I left the snowbelt to eliminate the possibility of slipping on the snow/ice!!.... ( harrumph!)
There are so many hours of video to process from the last month, let alone the last year!! I have yet to setup the editing PC, but that is after I sort and finish unpacking.....
(PS-if you are in the Q area... hit me up..)
What that means is the house sold. I stuffed too many belongings into a uHaul in 3 days, drove to Rapid city, bought the RV, stuffed the way too much crap, minus a few things for the dumpster and giveaways, into the RV and drove to Quartzsite AZ, when I am now ensconced until mid-march when I have an appointment to get some specific frame welding done. That jaunt from Maine to AZ was 3700 miles, and while it was 10 days from start to finish, I spent 4 days in South Dakota, getting legal with a drivers license and registration of RV.
I arrived here on the 19th and have been bouncing about the various BLM locations, mostly relaxing from a hectic few months (decade?)
In my current location I am fairly well left alone with a few distant neighbors. Daisy ( the dog) has had it a bit rough, loosing here yard/domain and constantly facing new territory and smells.
The RV had a lot of knowns and of course there have been some uncovered unknowns. The furnace was inoperable according to the prior owner, but the actual issues was a new control board had not been properly configured to see the furnace. Once that was changed, poof, furnace! The known blinkers blowing fuses, was just a case of really old bulbs that had shorted out. The Generator has stopped running and the diagnosis is still underway. The dash AC compressor needs replacing ( a known ) ..... The engine is strong and runs smoothly. I have a ScanGaugeII hooked up and programed, a TPMS in place and a snappy GPS....
The trip in the RV from Rapid City to Quartzsite was... a trial by fire... that the rig passed through well... some STEEP climbs and descents and well as some nasty weather and salty/mucky road conditions.
I have been keeping mostly to myself, and today is a "rest and heal" day brought on my a trip over the dog leash Monday morning, and wook it on my palms and wrists... bruised and a bit gashed, but nothing broken ( phew!)... and to think I left the snowbelt to eliminate the possibility of slipping on the snow/ice!!.... ( harrumph!)
There are so many hours of video to process from the last month, let alone the last year!! I have yet to setup the editing PC, but that is after I sort and finish unpacking.....
(PS-if you are in the Q area... hit me up..)