From what was said by Rusty on one of his videos, he got scammed by a phishing email. The email looked like a legitimate youtube email, apparently, and asked for his password to 'verify' his account because of 'spam videos'...
Whatever. Anyway, he fell victim to the attempt. The real problem is the income stream from youtube may have been put on hold or completely stopped, I dont know. He also had, or has, an Amazon affiliation, I have no idea if that was affected. But Amazon has also pinched off those commissions in the past for many youtubers.
Income from youtube is the proverbial 'house of cards' can come crashing down at any time, and youtube is really the only game in town for some youtubers.
Way back in the very early days of the internet, one of my accounts (ICQ) was hacked due to a security 'hole' in a chat client. They stole my account and I was never able to recover it...pissed me off because they changed all the pictures and the text in my account....and for what? The fun of it? There was no money involved but I guess they had their fun.
I say, hang the hackers with a stiff rope, but instead, they get hired by the government or private corporations and make big money.
It's a screwed up cyberworld.
That's why you always need a Plan B if that is how you make all (or a large chunk) of your income.