Roof rack on a van with hightop?

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Sep 23, 2020
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I'm looking at purchasing a hightop Ford E150 and I'm wondering if I would be able to put a roof rack on it?

I cant seem to find a good answer on google except for some pictures of people that have done it... but I'm not convinced lol. 

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An E150 might be sprung pretty light for any amount weight on the roof.
If you need a high top and a rack then you should probably get a bigger vehicle or a trailer. Extended vans with high tops and extra weight high up are hazards in my opinion and if you research why 16 passenger vans are now 15 passenger vans you will see why. Especially light weight 1500 vans. They have a hard enough time hauling passengers never the less a built out high top with a rack and possibly solar cells. Just asking for trouble in my opinion.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum  :) 

Just curious,  how tall are you ?   In my E 350 Extended high top Ford I have about 3 inches of room over my head.  I stand about 6 ft tall.   It's easy to forget that the rig is 9 ft tall when driving on main roads and highways, until on a neighborhood street and you come up to a low hanging limb.  Or in a fast food drive thru where you come up something that warns you that you are too tall to come thru.

You just don't want to have a collision with some low hanging obstruction.  And you could even run afoul of a heavy tree limb that has been trimmed back so it doesn't hang out over the street as it can bang up the side of your high top if you happen to get too close. (imagine another oncoming car on a narrow street and you try to move over to make room.  Of course the other driver is clueless to your situation and wouldn't think of moving over to give you a break. 

Ahhhh life in a high top.
Thanks for the responses! I'm mostly asking bc I plan to put my rooftop tent on the van. I guess I didn't consider it being a top-heavy hazard. Thanks for the heads-up @bullfrog!

Im only 5'10" so maybe it's not a big deal. Would you buy a high-top again?eDJ_eDJ_

I'm more interested in having the extra sleeping space with the rooftop tent than I am the standing room. So if it comes down to a choice b/w the two then I know which direction I'm going in.
Where are the high tops on the east coast of the us?? We need a fabricator!
Bjjvanlifer- I can’t tell you where to find one on the East Coast but I can tell you that Bob Wells had one done in Carolinas that leaked like a sieve. I’m not sure that the man knew who he was dealing with but he got a lot of (deserved) bad press from Bob and I hear that he’s now out of business. Search Bob‘s YouTube channel for “I got a high top“ in case the guy still in business you want to avoid him.
10/10 would get a hightop. It just makes vans more livable, but many go without. If you would sacrifice a hightop and build a deck on the roof, I think it would be sturdier. I’m afraid to stress the 30-y.o. fiberglass on my roof by adding any weight. I have leaks. Hopefully it’s just from broken weatherstripping that I’m having trouble replacing.
There was a guy in Owensboro KY here trying to sell one for $50 forever. He might still have it but you’d have to search the forum. Don’t recall his name.