Road Trip- Need advice from Southwest peeps

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Uhhhh....your shoe is untied!! :D

Unchained said:
Thanks, all. I'm glad the trip went so well. The key was keeping the van moving, as the yappers would start up within 10 min of our 'landing' at a rest or truck stop. BTW, there were twenty four of the little sh*ts total, so you can understand why motels were a no-go.

I'm less glad that some chick sitting 2 seats from me on one of the flights home was sick and in a giving mood. Guess who now has the flu and can't make the RtR? :mad:

tonyandkaren said:
That's a nice looking van! Do you get to keep it? :)

I wish! The Hulk now belongs to my co-pilot. Part of the reason for doing the trip this way is so she would have her own vehicle, large enough to transport the dogs and/or sleep in if need be, once she got to LA. That said, if Hulkster had a high top, I might have had to arm wrestle her for it! :D

Glad to hear you made it safe Faith hon!! Whew, I'm glad that's too I imagine. I'm back "home" too for now...Florida and with Duane *smile*. We are headed back west very soon...see you - its not that far to come track you down!

Any time at all, Joni! Give me a heads up and I might be able to provide parking and elec.

Uhhhh....your shoe is untied!! :D

That's not me, hon. ;)
24 of the little untrained buggers? I understand exactly why you did not stop at a motel. If you had told them you had 24 dogs with, they probably would not have accepted you, anyway. We had one otherwise well-trained dog with us that did some nervous marking because he found the change of surroundings unsettling. I can't imagine 24 of them doing that.
WTH...24 dogs??

is she selling them to restaurants or something??

why would anyone want 24 frikken dogs??? (animal hoarder???)
Hi Patrick. First thing that popped into my mind was puppy mill.
"makes my blood boil"

Yes, mine too. That's one reason we have only bought one dog in 45 years. That one was a springer spaniel from a reputable breeder who specialized in hunting stock. That dog had work to do. All the rest have been "used" dogs from shelters or people we knew who could not keep them.
Relax, guys. There's no puppy mill and not all of the dogs are hers.