Road Trip- Need advice from Southwest peeps

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compassrose said:
Unchained... the NEXT time someone asks for a volunteer.... temporarily lose your hearing! The "Hmmmm.... What..... I wasn't paying attention" and look a bit confused seems to work for me.... most of the time. :p


I thought you said this is for your BOSS. ARE getting paid for this......right??? :s
Patrick46 said:
Btw....doesn't this other gal even drive??

She's somewhat disabled, but can drive at least four hours at a go on the freeway, which is why the plan has now changed.

Since the van is a conversion with an actual, very comfortable, bed in the back and amenities like vented windows (necessary with that many crated dogs), blackout shades and rear climate control, we are now planning on curtaining off the back of the van as the 'bedroom' and skipping the overnight stops altogether. She can take the helm long enough for me to get a good nap in a yapper free zone :D, then she gets the space to work out the kinks from driving before getting her own nap.

We will still need to hit several truck and rest stops for food and to let the dogs stretch, but no worries about parking overnight, heater issues, or the ceiling raining on us from condensation.

Unchained... the NEXT time someone asks for a volunteer.... temporarily lose your hearing! The "Hmmmm.... What..... I wasn't paying attention" and look a bit confused seems to work for me.... most of the time.

After this trip, I may not have to fake temporary hearing loss! :p

I thought you said this is for your BOSS. ARE getting paid for this......right???

It is for his gf, and sort of. For all the work I put in finding the van, not a dime. For the trip itself, I get 50% off Jan rent (my boss is my landlord) and a couple hundred in cash. Better than the unpaid 'vacation' that was the alternative.

That said, I will get to kick back and relax for a few days over New Years, in what I'm told is a very nice trailer with full hook ups, on his 100+ acre LA property before flying back. Might not sound like much, but I need a change of scenery in the worst way right now, so it works for me.
Unchained said:
She can take the helm long enough for me to get a good nap in a yapper free zone :D, then she gets the space to work out the kinks from driving before getting her own nap.

You do realise that that is illegal in every State, as well as very dangerous. By law, and for very good reason, all passengers in a vehicle need to be restrained in an improved seat belt while the vehicle is in motion.

Plan this trip as a roadtrip, dividing it up into 500 - 600 mile days, and make sure you both get a good night's sleep, each night. That way you will not only keep yourselves and your dogs safe, it will prevent you being a danger to all others on the road.

Keep safe.

Lifemagician said:
You do realise that that is illegal in every State, as well as very dangerous. By law, and for very good reason, all passengers in a vehicle need to be restrained in an improved seat belt while the vehicle is in motion.

In Colorado only the front passengers are required by law to wear a seat belt. I'll agree it's dangerous but it's not illegal to lay in the back seat with no seat belt, at least in CO. Other states may vary but I'd think it's pretty much the same all over the states. Front seats required but back seats only encouraged. Probably a good idea to check the states you'll be travelling in and see then make your decision.
I don't understand why you can't motel it a few times at least...

You'll make it alot safer for yourselves, and everyone else...and let's face're gonna be BEAT!!

a good majority of motels have pet friendly rooms, and if you leave the dogs in their carriers AT ALL TIMES, they'll probably quiet down once they're in a room. (they gotta sleep sometimes too, and I'm sure this trip will take a toll on them.)
DO NOT EVER LET THEM OUT...even inside the room!!! They'll start to think of these carriers as their own rooms, and usually settle in after a short while. (and don't let this other gal tell you that her babies need to come out....FORGET IT!!)

You're alot tougher than ME, I'll tell ya!!
Lifemagician said:
You do realise that that is illegal in every State, as well as very dangerous. By law, and for very good reason, all passengers in a vehicle need to be restrained in an improved seat belt while the vehicle is in motion.

As StarEcho noted (thank you, SE), the laws vary state to state. In AZ and TX, only the people in the front seats are required to wear seat belts. As with most conversions, the bed is in the very back of this van. That said, the bed is a converted bench seat and equipped with seat belts.

Plan this trip as a roadtrip, dividing it up into 500 - 600 mile days, and make sure you both get a good night's sleep, each night. That way you will not only keep yourselves and your dogs safe, it will prevent you being a danger to all others on the road.

I can assure you that we will get more, and better sleep with the vehicle on the road. If we stop with this van, I will have to try to sleep in a captain's chair, and she in the back, while the dogs go off every time they hear a strange voice or car door slam at a truck or rest stop. Not very restful.

OTOH, the dogs will be quiet with only music and freeway white noise to hear, and I'm very experienced with 'no stop' road trips. I sleep like a rock in a moving vehicle if I can lay down and stretch out. As for the other gal; once she hits a bed, she can sleep though just about anything- except the dogs.

Keep safe.

Thank you, we will.

I don't understand why you can't motel it a few times at least...

You'll make it alot safer for yourselves, and everyone else...and let's face're gonna be BEAT!!

I've gone over this a few times before, doll. So, for the last time :p

These untrained dogs have always lived on a very rural property. They go off, collectively, at any and every unusual noise, particularly: strange voices, any car engine they don't recognize and doors opening/closing. When they go off, they are shockingly LOUD, and it takes a long time for them to settle. I'm good, but I cannot extinguish that behavior in a matter of hours. Pet friendly motel or not, NO other guest is going to put up with that kind of racket. I wouldn't, and I don't expect anyone else to, either.

While I appreciate the concern, y'all are just going to have to trust me on this one.

Thanks to all who provided links to good places for us to stop. Even without overnight breaks, we will still be making several stops to let the dogs out, eat, stretch legs, etc.

We hit the road tomorrow. Off to finish packing.
Well kiddo, since this ain't your first rodeo and you know the stock, I have faith in you.
Got a buddy with a gaggle of cheewawas and them little suckers yap continually when we used to stop by. No doubt a motel or active truckstop would be more tension than rest.
(Pssst...have 'dah boss' replace the fuel and air filters while you pack).


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We'll be standing by waiting for your safe landings.

I ADORE road trips!
Good luck sweet Faith...remember the extra mags just in case *smile*.

See you soon!

I bet the van search and trip would make a good ebook. There's a thread on that!
Ok, I've been home a few days, but have been catching up on my sleep.

Whew, that trip was something else! We wound up leaving at 6AM on the 28th with all the last minute stuff that came up. Off we went in a mechanically unchecked van stuffed with a gaggle of freshly bathed yappers (in crates, of course), luggage, junk food, water, a schizophrenic GPS and 2 middle aged biped pilots. Whoohoo! :D

Fortunately, the Xmas Eve Dodge (now yclept 'The Incredible Hulk') proved to be as solid as it is homely. 36 hours straight driving with only short stops to fuel up, eat, hit the restroom or and/or take care of the yappers, and Hulk ran like a top the whole way. Overdrive and cruise control are now on my 'required' list when van shopping!
A few pics from our trip:


My co-pilot chipping ice from Hulk's windshield somewhere in Arizona.


It was a little chilly.


Ok... REALLY chilly!

Sorry, this is a little late but I think all La Quinta Inns are pet friendly. Or at the very least, you can park and sleep in their lot, as some pet owners opt to keep their pets in a crate in the car, so barking will not seem out of place there.
Glad to hear you made it safe Faith hon!! Whew, I'm glad that's too I imagine. I'm back "home" too for now...Florida and with Duane *smile*. We are headed back west very soon...see you - its not that far to come track you down!