I had a Nature's Head in my hones for seven years. Yes, you have to dispose if the pee, but the bottles are large. A little brown sugar keeps the urine odor down.
I agree with Roamer. Conserving water is the best way to keep the dumping to a minimum. I can go well over a month on all my tanks if it's just me. Hubby and I together can get about 25 days between dumping with conservation and separate drinking water. Before I got the trailer, I was really grossed out at the idea of dumping the blackwater tank. Even though I'm a germ freak (RN), I've develped a routine that isn't too difficult.
But the original poster says he despises the blackwater. And, not everyone has the opportunity to find a dump station at their convenience. A composting toilet is a great alternative. There are knife valves that can attach to both the grey and blackwater pipes. You put that on and keep open the old valves and voilà! Your grey water tank has been doubled. You must let your conscience be your guide as far as dumping your grey water. Keep in mind that your formerly used blackwater tank will always have been contaminated with fecal material. You will have to seriously sanitize it and unless you test for fecal coliform and other nasties, you will not know if you are still spewing shitty water when you empty your tanks.