R.I.P. my sister, my heart and soul is with you

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Nov 8, 2012
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<span style="font-size: small;">On Feb. 19 th of this year my sister miss Pam moved to heaven. She will no longer feel the pain of that horrible man that hurt her so. She will never know yet another heartbreak watch her children make ugly mistakes and bad choices for their lives. She was 53 years young, fought cancer and survived it. Loved all of her grandchildren even the ones she hadn't yet seen. With her went her very old poodle named gramps, a few days before actually.&nbsp;<br></span>Together we lived most our lives raising our children, trying to teach them to always do the right thing. Praying together that they would come home safe. Taking turns sitting up with them when they were sick, crying together when they were in the hospital and holding each other up. Children there is no longer mom1 and mom 2 you just have me, I will love you through this if you let me. I will give you space when you need it and be on your back side when you need it to.<br>Pam my dear say hello to Dave and tell him it doesn't really matter how long I will still be waiting for him, 3 years and counting. Keep him company and you guys enjoy gramps as I'm sure he is running around happy and healthy just as a puppy would be. Tell him I'm doing my best to care for the girls they are a handful. And yes I have your Duchess she is a handful, but safe and as happy as she can be. She still goes to the camper runs in the door and marches back to the bedroom jumps on the bed and looks to see if your back yet. No worries, I will love her through it.<br>We all miss her so very much and send you me love, whats left of my heart, and most defiantly my thanks for sharing so many beautiful moments our our lives together.<br><br><br>I thank you all for your prayers and word of encouragement to her when she left her husband. I did help her alot. She was in the accident (the one where he tried to kill them both) on dec 18th 2012. We spent christmas and new years in hospital. When she came home with me we all expected that she would go back, she didn't she cried and mourned for her marriage, she cried for all the years wasted on him, then she woke up and decided to live. It was not easy as she was both mentally and physically damaged. From the day she decided she needed to live she did just that. Her last month when not in pain or in dr,s office she was smiling and laughing with family,friends and loved one's. Many of whom she had not seen in in 20 years.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Thank you all &nbsp; &nbsp;Mildred
so sorry for your Loss, God rest her sole,no more pain &amp; suffering for her,<BR>she is in "Heaven".<BR><BR>sparky1 in s.va.
Yes Sparky she is in heaven. Dancin in the wind through a field of sunflowers with all kinds of cool critters hanging out cause she has the best treats for them. Thats my Pam
You're in my prayers Milli.&nbsp; Wished I could say something to put a bandaid on your pain but only time, love, and faith can do that.&nbsp; You have&nbsp;a shoulder here with us on the site.&nbsp; You are welcome to email me anytime if you need to talk and vent.&nbsp; I've been down the road you travel and know the pain you bear.&nbsp; I send you hugs and wish you well.<br><br>Rae&nbsp;
<STRONG>Thank you for sharing you soul. </STRONG><BR><SPAN style="COLOR: #33cccc"><STRONG>Dragonfly<BR><BR><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Please indulge or forgive me for Biblical content, I felt moved to, make this card from one of my paintings. Because of the nature of sister's life this came to me.</SPAN></STRONG></SPAN>
“They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies.” ~ Williams Penn

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my wife when she was 56. It's too young. But she's in a better place. Rejoice and you will see her again.
I lost my 47-year-old younger brother in October. I wish I had some great words of wisdom, but I don't. However, several years ago when my father passed, one of my four-year-old preschool students gave me these words of comfort: "You know what I think? I don't think your Dad is in the graveyard. I think he's up in Heaven watching down over you." Those words meant more to me than anything an adult said.

I hope they comfort you. You have my sincere sympathy.
Unfortunatley I lost my darling David to cancer a few years ago, if it hadn't been for Pam i'm not sure I would still be here. She was my rock when he got bad. It still hurts to no end that he's gone and now her to, I wish there was a magic answer to make it all better. I know they both are in a better place and they no longer have to suffer or feel sadness, I rejoice that they have each other and can look over us they left here. I just miss them both so much it breaks my heart every moment, sometimes it feels like I will never be able to take a breath without feeling as though my heart has been ripped in half. I also know some day it will get easier, someday I will be able to look at a flower and not cry, hold the dogs without all of us having all 4 of us turn into a big ball of tears. Someday I will wake up and sing again as I get up, someday we will all be together again little critters and all. Thanks for all your support guys.

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