So I've been reading Morningstar's materials here, and I notice that the max current to the batteries is 45 and 60 amps respectively from those controllers.
But this is a theoretical maximum, right? Like if the panels were tilted and tracking the sun in the middle of July in the Southwestern Desert. For my purposes I'm likely going to wind up at a much lower current.
So, if I have a lot more potential wattage from the panels than the controller can turn into current for the battery, what happens with the excess? If the controller can make 45 amps, but there is 1000 watts worth of panels (1000W/12V=83.3A), what happens to the extra power? Is it wasted as heat? Or what?
Also, I don't think the usual flooded deep cycle batteries can accept 45 or 60 amps of current anyways, can they? Unless of course the bank is very large?
So...should I be sizing the controller on the basis of the total maximum power the panels can provide, or should I be sizing based on the actual current that the system can actually utilize? If I overbuild the panel wattage to account for reduced power in winter, what happens in summer when I've got gobs of extra power coming in? Can it damage the controller?
But this is a theoretical maximum, right? Like if the panels were tilted and tracking the sun in the middle of July in the Southwestern Desert. For my purposes I'm likely going to wind up at a much lower current.
So, if I have a lot more potential wattage from the panels than the controller can turn into current for the battery, what happens with the excess? If the controller can make 45 amps, but there is 1000 watts worth of panels (1000W/12V=83.3A), what happens to the extra power? Is it wasted as heat? Or what?
Also, I don't think the usual flooded deep cycle batteries can accept 45 or 60 amps of current anyways, can they? Unless of course the bank is very large?
So...should I be sizing the controller on the basis of the total maximum power the panels can provide, or should I be sizing based on the actual current that the system can actually utilize? If I overbuild the panel wattage to account for reduced power in winter, what happens in summer when I've got gobs of extra power coming in? Can it damage the controller?