Kenwrite said:
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Now the game plan is to buy 14'-16' Step Van *snip* [/font]This thread is helping a lot.
Keep thinking, mate. I thought about this thing and drew it up before I even saw it. Just doing the mental planning is good work. That's one beauty of a step van: space wise, you know what you're getting. I woulda loved two more feet... I've got 14' behind the seat.
So I would suggest LIVING in Putt as soon as possible, especially while home-based.
Thanks for your posts, and here's to a great adventure ahead.
I sure am working on that one. Lots of other steps getting rid of stuff around the house and fixing walls and fixtures to ready it for sale. But I get your drift...I bought a backpack the other day and have started to keep all my personal **** in there. However, as you will see, I'm doing lots of stuff...kinda more than I ever have before.
And I'm so glad you're enjoying Putt's build, I sure as hell am.
Progress Report:
Haven't done a damn thing on Putt.
My full focus has been on Dart. I've been soaking in everything I can on dog training. As I've said, Schipperkes are notoriously hard to train. One of the things I've seen stressed is if you want the puppy not to pee all over the place, contain them...they like it if you do it right. Similarly, I've been told by the knowledgable people I've talked to, and all the Schipperke training videos, the Schipperkes need to be on a leash basically all the time. Mainly because discipline of not running away must be absolute with a Schip. When they're not fully trained and they see a mouse or something else that catches their imagination, you can just say goodbye. With good training they will end up not needing it at all, but because they have to be so rigidly trained to the leash when they're young they end up being comforted by it. My buddy Rick say if he just clips the loose leash on the dog in bed next to his desk it will lie their contently. Unclip the leash and it wanders off.
Anyhow...I've been making the other controlled spaces for Dart. You've seen the deck and the Farkle Hut; here's my desk...
...gets him right up next to me.
Next one is kind of an end around, but bear with me. lnside Putt, Dart needs a place to ride when we're moving...his perch. (BTW, everything has a name: hut, bed, work, perch, deck (can't use porch because it sounds too much like perch), etc.) So, I built his perch for riding in Putt.
Notice how he'll have total nose access to that window and the smell of the world going by. Great visibility too. I'm thinking of some kind of harness system when required for safety.
Security-wise, when I slide that window all the way open and stand up to talk to someone outside, he will certainly be in a strategically advantageous position.
Doesn't actually have the hinges on yet, but his toys will be in here.
Here's what it looks like from the outside.
Now, you may be asking yourself, why the heck did he build something he's not going to need for months? Good question. It's also going to serve as his bed. Imma push the button on this one and carry on.