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Thanks HDR. I reckon it'll be about four years before I do the expansion...I'll planned to just replace the ones I get now.
rvpopeye said:
Morningstar make some good stuff , getting the bigger one will eliminate having to upgrade when you get those extra panels.

Here's the thing: They said in one of their videos that it's better to run a smaller one near its capacity than a bigger one well within its limits. OTOH, I've heard charging can be better with a couple of parallel strings so you don't loose too much if you're in a spot shadow (partially blocking a panel). The little one is fine with four in series, but doesn't like four with two strings---the big one is fine with it. 

I called tech support today. I'm going to get in touch with them directly and report back, but I am curious about the spot shadow thing.  Any wizziedumb?

Also, I friggen looked everywhere and can't find the current draw on my Makita 18V rapid charger. I think it might be the biggest current draw I put on my inverter. Anybody run rapid charge tool chargers on their rig who can give me a rough estimate?
Putts said:
Here's the thing: They said in one of their videos that it's better to run a smaller one near its capacity than a bigger one well within its limits. OTOH, I've heard charging can be better with a couple of parallel strings so you don't loose too much if you're in a spot shadow (partially blocking a panel).
I called tech support today. I'm going to get in touch with them directly and report back, but I am curious about the spot shadow thing.
I'll be curious about what they tell you on that subject. My main problem will be remembering what was said. :-/
On Shadowing:
Even a small area will really dump a panel, if in a parallel arrangement , just the shaded panel -- if it's in a series , they all drop down.

My thought is the extra you will get from the smaller one now vs. the $$$ you save (the extra the big one costs over the small one) Will the extra amps now offset that?
You have to make that decision .....

Not trying to send you down a blind curve just tellin' what I did. (I bought a 25A MPPT controller for a 5A panel back in '01 )

Let us know what the mfg says too.
You bet.

On the road now. Paul is looking at a Lesharo up in Lethbridge (400 mi north of Bozeman. We decided to make a weekend of it and we'll be returning via Kalispel and then Missoula for me to put my deposit on my dog and to spend a little while with the litter to pick a pup. About a 1200 mile trip...Paul and I travel well together. West from Lethridge through Fernie and the Canadian Rockys today, should be a lovely drive.

New pup will be home with me in 5 weeks. Woot!

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Any trip with q puppy fix is good....smooth sailing!
Enjoying this thread and yes, I've read it start to finish. Chiming in as a dog expert, almost 40 years grooming, showing and training. Your choice of "The Little Captain" sounds like a good fit for your lifestyle but be forewarned. This breed has a stubborn streak and will walk all over you if you let them. Take a small ball or squeaky toy with you when you choose your pup. Toss it and see if one of them goes to investigate, extra points if he picks it up. Shows willingness to work with you. Hold him in your arms belly up while talking soothingly. Does he fight you or get aggressive in his effort to right himself? A really dominant dog is going to be tougher to train. Steer clear of a really fearful dog, training will help but if you want a friendly social companion it's going to be a real challenge. Spend a few minutes interacting with the mother, her personality is going to give you a good clue as to what the pups may turn out like. Yes, a dam may be protective of her pups but if she has to be locked out of the room for you to see them, big red flag. I personally like the breed but have seen a few that were really aggressive. You seem to be a social guy, just want your pup to fit in. When you get him, take him everywhere with you. Make sure he meets kids and other dogs. In the end you'll have a dog who is confident in any situation. Don't worry that he won't warn you of danger, my 3 love everybody but more than once they have let me know that someone was not to be trusted. Congratulations on your new family member. Kathleen
Some good advice above. So many pick a pup because of the cuteness factor alone. And then have to re-home them when it doesn't work out. Not good for the dog or the human.
Thank you Deco, that's exactly the kind of info I need right now! I'll take pix of course.

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Sweet! Just got off the phone with Jake at Morningstar. I'll be buying a ProStar PS-MPPT-40M, $442 on Amazon

The "M" designates the version with a meter on it, saves on buying the outboard meter, $130 on Amazon. You can save a few bux buy not getting the meter and getting the Ethernet MeterBus Converter, hooking it up to your wifi net and do all your monitoring from a pad or laptop. However, it's for monitoring only and you can't push commands though that interface. Both the built in and outboard meter can push commands.

In terms of sizing and wether to go with the 25 or 40 amp versions: The 25 is dandy with two panels, but you'll only be able to go up to about 350W...and you'll be throwing away 50W of the 400W the panels are capable of on cold, bright sunny days. He also said for many who will only ever have two 100W panels the more affordable SunSaver MPPT ($243 on Amazon) will work just fine.

He said, for my application of four panels, it would be best to hook them all up in parallel for best efficiency as the controller operates most efficiently with a low voltage differential between the PV panels and battery. For a single Renology RNG-100D the minimum Vmpp (Maximum Power Voltage), which would occur on a very hot day (~90 degrees) is about 19V. He said their MPPT charge controlers could go as low as about a volt and a half and still work very well. So putting panels in parallel is actually the most efficient way with this controller and typical 100W panels. As Popeye said, parallel is best for shadowing issues as well.

This one's a done deal for me!
Sadly, on the doggie front, I didn't get to see the pups as I kind did this on the spur of the moment as I tacked it onto a trip my buddy Paul was on. Did get to meet the granddad dog who was just a lovely little beast. Very attentive to me and enjoyed coming over for nice long rubs all over his body...almost as if to say, "Take good care of my grandson, mate."

Yeah....schmoopy max achieved.
d'Artagnon...Dart for short.

The young lady who rents a room from me and has become like an adopted daughter picked it out. She found out she was pregnant a few weeks ago and it was a cast-off name her beau didn't like. I thought it was perfect from the moment it left her lips.
I had a donkey named D'Artagnon. Pretty unusual but a great name.

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Pretty sure I'll be the ass in this relationship.

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I like it!! Can't wait to see pics of little Dart.
Skuh kuh kuh kuh
If you say so !

Well , a good grandpa is a good start.

The controller looks like a keeper....
Queen said:
I like it!!  Can't wait to see pics of little Dart.

Well, it'll be three more weeks 'til I get Dart. Until then you'll just have to settle for this pic of a roughly 8 week old Schip pup.

Did a little patio Dart proofing.


Left a little slot so the pup could survey the yard.

Due to d'Artagnon's significant cost, gonna have to wait on solar purchases, but I have a nice stash of plywood here so the work on Putt can continue moving forward. Oddly, it's not the physical build that's been on my mind...it's the metaphysical build within my mind that's had my attention.

This is probably old news around here, but the idea of pulling out of the driveway to live in Putt has been hitting me hard lately. It's not that I'm worried at all about whether it's something I want to do or not (there's no question there), and it's not all the physical things I have to do to be ready (billions and billions), it's the realization that my lifestyle will have to dramatically change, and that now is the time to begin.

Readying the house for, and imagining the 24/7 responsibility of training and raising Dart, brought it home big time. Essentially, I've begun the trip in ernest; I now must adjust at least one personal behavior (taking care of Dart) that will last on into my journeys in Putt.  My heart is telling me that now is the time to begin to make more internal change to ready myself.

I smoke. It seems ridiculous to put out the energy, resources, time, money, planning, ect., for three or four years only to find myself sick and unable to have 10-15 years traveling. I'm well practiced in quitting; did without for about 6 weeks but relapsed about 2 weeks ago.

I drink. Not a raging alcoholic, but I have to admit I'm a high-functioning one. I have 4-6 shots a night. Don't drink during the day unless it's the occasional beer or two on a Sunday afternoon as I work on Putt, and I don't have cravings when I don't drink during the day.

I'm over weight. I 5'10" and was 250lbs a year ago; I've dropped 30lbs in the past year as part of the project. I eat more healthy now: few carbs, little sugar, salads for lunch often, fast food is only occasional. But I can do better: more veggies, more time cooking, less "I'll eat an omelette with cheese and bacon because it's easier than prepping and cooking a healthier meal."

I want to begin:
  • Cooking like I would in Putt.
  • Practicing my ukulele.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Significantly reduce my drinking. 
  • Train Dart.
  • Focus my resources mainly on preparing.
  • Work more effectively on the Putt build.
  • Begin a daily practice of meditation and exercise.
It's easy to say...much harder to face and effect the changes. 

Any thoughts?