process server?

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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
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anyone know anything about it? i seem to remember hearing anyone can do it and it doesn't take much. seems like you could just go hang out at a courthouse and ask folks if they need papers served. probably get 100 bucks a pop
While there may not be many cases of shooting the messager, it only takes one to ruin your day.&nbsp; Also, do you get paid if you can't find the person to serve?<br><br><br>
I would be extremely careful with this, as blars said...also, with our alternative lifestyles, how does it sit with you to join the enslavement movement?
<P>What is the enslavement movement?</P>
@ blars, the odds of that happening are slim to none. really, it just doesn't happen.<div>and no, you don't get paid if you don't serve.&nbsp;</div><div>obviously, this isn't for everyone, but generally speaking, you're a courier. that's all.</div><div><br></div><div>@romani,</div><div>really? i mean, <i>really??</i></div>
romani10 said:
I would be extremely careful with this, as blars said...also, with our alternative lifestyles, how does it sit with you to join the enslavement movement?
<div>If ya don't know, ya don't need to know.</div>
Hey thinker, let me rephrase....I believe that this alternative lifestyle (vandwellers) for people who live mostly off the grid is a statement and lifestyle that moves away from any form of "doing the line dance" for the powers that be. Certainly, we all have to have some form of income to sustain our lifestyle...That said, a "process server" seems to be the opposite of why we do what we do...the individuality and innovative nature of this tribe certainly shines when not serving "the man." But each to his own. I certainly do not want to offend any tribe member by being down on what they choose to do...
i don't think you're being offensive at all, but i do think you're painting with a broad brush.<div>also, you wouldn't be working for the man any more than if you were fixing someone's sink.</div><div>it's a service.</div><div><br></div><div>as for me, i'm all for good government, big or small so long as it's limited and lets me live and let live.</div><div>the courts blow, but without them... i don't really wanna think about it.</div>
<p>I was once served by a Deputy Sheriff with a writ to appear in court.&nbsp; So are process servers law enforcement officers?&nbsp; Is lawlessness running so rampant that the only job to get now days is a lowly process server?&nbsp; Is this what this country has been reduced to?&nbsp; </p>
i don't know what is so low about honest work.<div><br></div><div>here in nyc, you have to have someone serve a court summons not involved in the case and the cops don't do it.</div><div><br></div><div>also, how does rampant lawlessness remove all jobs except process server?</div><div><br></div><div>there's nothing low about it. it's honest work and might be a good way, maybe a really good way, for people who need it to earn a living.</div>
<p>I get your drift Thinker.&nbsp; I was thinking more on the lines of Lawyers and other yes men of the law enforcement network.&nbsp; If politics wasn't so corrupt I too would call it honest work.&nbsp; </p>
yeah, but you are just delivering a message.<div>often to people being sued. some are guilty, some aren't.&nbsp;</div>
If it pays more than delivering pizza, you're way ahead.<div><br></div>