PRAY for the families in Connecticut...

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They are certainly in my prayers. Thanks for bringing this up. There have been 57 plus school shootings in the US since 1996. Many more around the world...what a crazy world....<br /><br />Bless them all.....<br />Bri
Bri, i just don't understand why? My heart is breaking for people who get hit with such random tragedy's&nbsp;senseless, This man was one of their teachers for GOD sake! how could he?
Where_the_Wind_Blows said:
Bri, i just don't understand why? My heart is breaking for people who get hit with such random tragedy's&nbsp;senseless, This man was one of their teachers for GOD sake! how could he?
<br /><br />What I heard was that he was the son of one of the teachers and that he lived in Hoboken, NJ.
I guess it will take a few days to get all the facts matter what, it's something that just shouldn't happen!
I too pray that one day either we will not have crazy people or that we won't have guns. &nbsp;Either one fixes the situation of innocent children getting shot like this. &nbsp;
I think about the gifts families bought their kids to put under the Christmas tree, and now no child to wait for Santa and open their gifts. I can not imagine such pain the parents and families will live thru.
It is so so sad. I just can't believe there are people that can shot little kids!<br /><br /><br />Edited to censor the content and the voice. I get it
Lets not make this thread about guns, politics, or any sort of debate. Let this be about the children, and the families.

Thanks. I am praying for everyone involved.
Have close friends with kids there. Much fear. &nbsp;Prayers with them all.&nbsp;
I too have family that live in that state. I just got off the phone with my sister. It's a sad situation for the families of the victims of this mentally ill person. I'll echo katies suggestion that we not make this a thread about guns. Let's leave that topic for another thread on another day. Let's focus on the families of the families who had children &amp; relatives who attended this school.
Heard this while driving today......hope others on the road didn't think I was swearing at them....<br />I have no words to express my feelings, all I can offer is prayer, yet that feels like so little in the scope of the tragedy.<br />Natural disasters I can deal with far better than human hatred.<br />Why, Why, kids?
I don't believe there is any way to make sense out of an insane action. I have opinions about it but as far as having any real idea why this stuff way to really know.....<br />Bri
Steve's link to the similar event in China, though with a knife, suggests it's happening frequently there, also, but with knives.&nbsp; Evidently the Chinese are as confused about the reasons as people in the US are.<br /><br />The theory there among the ones speculating is that there aren't enough mental health diagnostic and treatment facilities available.
I guess when people get shot it is easy to pray for them. &nbsp;And feel sorry for them and their family. &nbsp;It is harder to truly honor them by doing things to keep it from happening again. &nbsp;
I cried.&nbsp; It reminds me of 9-11.&nbsp; A tragedy<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/bawl.gif" class="bbc_img" />
Mike:&nbsp; If there ever comes a time when there's a unanimity of opinion about what could be done to keep it from happening again there'd be something could be done.<br /><br />Somehow identifying people who are likely to do it might be a good start.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Or some other segment of the population that might possibly be likely to do it because they beat hell out of their own kids.&nbsp; Then doing something permanent and really ugly to them to keep them from doing it anymore.&nbsp;
Can't drop it, even when requested, even out of respect...

It's difficult to even imagine how those parents and families are feeling: one can't imagine seeing one's child going off to school, not even thinking about a simple daily activity, and then the realization they'll never be seen again. And to learn of the event, most likely, by a radio broadcast, or over hearing a conversation...

... No parent should ever outlive a child.