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Apr 5, 2021
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Doug, here (Doog). I'm 71 and self employed. I keep thinking about traveling when I retire, but even now retirement seems along way off. But if not now, when? 
I started reading the book Nomadland  and became inspired. Then I found your website and forum. I'm beginning to finally make plans.
Thanks for the information and hope.

I'll stay tuned
Welcome Doug to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Welcome! My 67 year neighbor keeps telling me he hasn't even figured out what he wants to do when he grows up never the less retire! Hope this site helps you in your endeavors.
I never really figured that out either, so on to the nest step before it's too late.
Dude Doog. It’s time! Get going!
Just find a usuable vehicle ("usuable" varies by your needs and finances, I want a minivan but am stuck with a CUV. It's not fun but works for now) and start with single nights out, then two, then three etc. You'll soon figure out the problems.
You need to consider:
1- where to go to the bathroom/or how in the vehicle
2- cooking (if needed inside)
3- heating/cooling options (12v fans or propane heater)
4- window coverings/blackout curtains
5- sleeping arrangements
6- storage for necessities (work on keeping the clutter down)
7- need for and if so how to add a house battery and a charging system
8- refridgeration options if needed
9- showering/bathing possibilities

I started with 1,3,4,5,6 and never added the others, didn't need to due to my work situation providing me #2,7,8,9.
Welcome Doog! I didnt read the book I watched the movie, was the book better? My partner and I have been heavily considering van life too! We actually rented a van a few weeks ago - which I highly recommend - to see if we liked it and well ya we loved it. lol You can check that out here - . We have a couple videos on the different types of vans you can buy (length and engines and pros and cons stuff) and where to look for the best deals if you want to look at those too! Hope that helps! Let us know if / when you end up buying one!