Pirate Camp Winter Season '23-24

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Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I am feeling better and hope to be released today. Flu plus severe lung inflammation shook me to the core. Breathing treatments, oxygen, and lots of drugs have restored me. I am thankful for modern medicine. And I will be discharged soon.
Glad to hear it.

For the last 6 years I have had to avoid being around large groups of people during the flu season. Of course I can take vaccines to lower the risk which not everyone can. However I the type of situation where any respiratory virus will send me into a major lung inflammation, even a common cold virus . That is what makes me an ”at risk senior”.

Do talk to your doctor about a prescription to travel with for a powerful anti inflammatory you might be able to safely take to have in your first aid kit.
I had that exact conversation with my doctor before I went full time in the summer of 2020. I am glad I did, it has kept me out of hospital twice now.

Being at Van Aid is very tempting. I want to go but I know I should not. The same thing is true of the RTR and other HOWA large events. People are contagious before they even know they are sick. I guess that is part of how viruses thrive and survive.
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^^^yep part of living remote means extra precautions when going to places with large crowds. Seems like every time we do we have to deal with illness that is more severe for us than most others that get it but that also probably has to do with getting old and being cancer survivors. Staying healthy is work but has to be done.
This Year may be the "Death Knell" of Van Aid............Selfish over-Indulgent ******** have ruined the generous spirit of the event...............Personally attacking Jason for trying to keep order..........Dogs running loose ("you can't tell us what to do")..........and outright THEIFT of the common stockpile of wire and supplies by ONE entitled bastard.... "IT"S MINE" and off he carries the box to the Schoolies

We're still sick fighting the FLU..........BUT So many wonderful projects are happening.............and It's just Half-Time !
This Year may be the "Death Knell" of Van Aid............Selfish over-Indulgent ******** have ruined the generous spirit of the event...............Personally attacking Jason for trying to keep order..........Dogs running loose ("you can't tell us what to do")..........and outright THEIFT of the common stockpile of wire and supplies by ONE entitled bastard.... "IT"S MINE" and off he carries the box to the Schoolies

We're still sick fighting the FLU..........BUT So many wonderful projects are happening.............and It's just Half-Time !
Sorry to hear about the ********:(
You have enough obstacles with the powers that be (blm) maybe the schoolies should have their own form of van aid… call it “buss ted”. Hold it in a whole different location. I sure hope it doesn’t have to die… lots of good people there too. Sad cause there are good people in both vans and schoolies I suspect…it only takes one…
I’ve been looking for updates on what is happening at Van Aid, and am sorry to hear the few are ruining things for the many.

And that y’all are sick. 😞

What has been loosely structured to this point may need some rules for the future, as so often happens when gatherings get larger and more widely publicized.

Hope things settle down and the sickness ends.
So can I ask a dumb question ... how did schoolies get to be a separate gang?

So sorry about the "no good deed goes unpunished" -- seems like there's a lot of that going around.
Sending virtual chicken soup -- get better soon!
Not really anything new, the more people there are the more problems there are. Independent people are hard to deal with, especially those willing to stay hungry to stay free and ones that are used to having to be self centered to survive. Bob Wells probably was smart to let HOWA take over realizing the limitations of one person operations. Maybe it is time for HOWA to realize they need property and a workshop/storage falicility to be able to control and organize a series of smaller events. Maybe builds by appointment type situation. Escapee’s runs their Care facility by using paid and volunteer staff on their own property. Hopefully HOWA can do something similar with builds. Just an idea!
This Pirate Camp is really tempting me. Could I get guidance and help in repainting my 2007 Sienna? I would love to learn those skills. Is that something to bring to Pirate Camp? How long does the camp go on?
This Pirate Camp is really tempting me. Could I get guidance and help in repainting my 2007 Sienna? I would love to learn those skills. Is that something to bring to Pirate Camp? How long does the camp go on?
I need to paint my topper, too. Best to find a garage, or use one of those tent garages. Plus, the weather should be around 70 degrees. I'm hoping to get my topper painted soon, if I can use my daughter's garage.

You can do it outdoors, as long as it is not windy. Still, you risk getting little bits stuck on the paint. Ie, a tiny bug, plant seeds. Just keep checking for imperfections in the paint
Not really anything new, the more people there are the more problems there are. Independent people are hard to deal with, especially those willing to stay hungry to stay free and ones that are used to having to be self centered to survive. Bob Wells probably was smart to let HOWA take over realizing the limitations of one person operations. Maybe it is time for HOWA to realize they need property and a workshop/storage falicility to be able to control and organize a series of smaller events. Maybe builds by appointment type situation. Escapee’s runs their Care facility by using paid and volunteer staff on their own property. Hopefully HOWA can do something similar with builds. Just an idea!


HOWA is permanently out of ANY build operations OR even Vehicle DONATIONS ! (If you donate your vehicle to HOWA "Now" they will probably sell it for scrap) .............Liability Insurance for the non-profit

I think they still have NOMADLAND's Swanky's land in Douglas, AZ

and in More HOWA news.........Suanne Carlson has turned over the reins of the organization to a Professional Non-Profit Executive............."JD"........Copy/Paste from facebook

HOWA’s New Executive Director: J.D. McCrary
I am thrilled to announce that as of February 1st, J.D. McCrary has officially joined Homes On Wheels Alliance as our new Executive Director. J.D. brings a wealth of experience and a heartfelt commitment to serve displaced individuals and care for the land, making him an excellent fit for our organization.
Hailing from Georgia, J.D. has wasted no time immersing himself in HOWA. After flying west, he rented a van and is currently here in the desert southwest, soaking up the sunshine alongside our dedicated staff. Over the next few days, J.D. will be spending valuable in-person time with us, getting to know the ins and outs of HOWA and the incredible team that drives our mission.
In the coming weeks, we will share more about J.D.'s background as a non-profit leader. I am confident he will lead HOWA into a successful future serving the nomadic community.
As the outgoing Executive Director, I want to express my full confidence in J.D. and the positive impact he will undoubtedly have on our organization. I am excited to witness the continued growth and success of HOWA under his capable leadership.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and please join me in welcoming J.D. McCrary to the HOWA family!
Suanne Carlson
Outgoing Executive Director
Homes On Wheels Alliance, Inc.

HOWA is permanently out of ANY build operations OR even Vehicle DONATIONS ! (If you donate your vehicle to HOWA "Now" they will probably sell it for scrap) .............Liability Insurance for the non-profit

I think they still have NOMADLAND's Swanky's land in Douglas, AZ

and in More HOWA news.........Suanne Carlson has turned over the reins of the organization to a Professional Non-Profit Executive............."JD"........Copy/Paste from facebook

HOWA’s New Executive Director: J.D. McCrary
I am thrilled to announce that as of February 1st, J.D. McCrary has officially joined Homes On Wheels Alliance as our new Executive Director. J.D. brings a wealth of experience and a heartfelt commitment to serve displaced individuals and care for the land, making him an excellent fit for our organization.
Hailing from Georgia, J.D. has wasted no time immersing himself in HOWA. After flying west, he rented a van and is currently here in the desert southwest, soaking up the sunshine alongside our dedicated staff. Over the next few days, J.D. will be spending valuable in-person time with us, getting to know the ins and outs of HOWA and the incredible team that drives our mission.
In the coming weeks, we will share more about J.D.'s background as a non-profit leader. I am confident he will lead HOWA into a successful future serving the nomadic community.
As the outgoing Executive Director, I want to express my full confidence in J.D. and the positive impact he will undoubtedly have on our organization. I am excited to witness the continued growth and success of HOWA under his capable leadership.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and please join me in welcoming J.D. McCrary to the HOWA family!
Suanne Carlson
Outgoing Executive Director
Homes On Wheels Alliance, Inc.
McCrary has an impressive resume. Will this be a part-time gig for him?
Not really anything new, the more people there are the more problems there are. Independent Maybe it is time for HOWA to realize they need property and a workshop/storage falicility to be able to control and organize a series of smaller events.
HOWA has said from the very beginning that one of the goals is to find acreage large enough to host events and in addition a place to stay full time for those who can no longer travel. They do not need time to figure that out because it was stated in their goals from even before the first day of incorporation as a non profit.

Escapees is two different things. One thing is a group of RV parks which is a for profit business. The other thing is Escapees C.A.R.E which is a non profit that accepts donations to help provide housing assistance for older persons who can no longer travel. It is a good marriage that grew out of a desire to help the members of the Escapees RV parks business clients. The Escapees CARE was successful in their goal because access to the land and facilities existed before the incorporated. As did a base group of Escapee RV park members willing to help with donations of funds and on-site volunteer time.
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may need some rules for the future,
It was the simple request to keep dogs leashed that set it off..... with the schoolie crew telling me to f off and mind my own business... it was this one simple rule that created the spark..... rules? they are selfish kids... and I do mean kids.....

One way is to kill the group on FB and start over with invite only, hidden group....
I need to paint my topper, too. Best to find a garage, or use one of those tent garages. Plus, the weather should be around 70 degrees. I'm hoping to get my topper painted soon, if I can use my daughter's garage.

You can do it outdoors, as long as it is not windy. Still, you risk getting little bits stuck on the paint. Ie, a tiny bug, plant seeds. Just keep checking for imperfections in the paint
Carla618, are you willing to teach an old guy those skills and help him get started? I'm tempted to get some 220 grit sandpaper and start sanding, but I'm wary of all the warnings I got about doing my floors.

Is auto paint as delicate as floor finish? Should I just "Go for it" or should I have a guiding hand get me started?
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