Peanut Butter and Jelly

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
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This seems like a simple enough question but I can't seem to get a straight answer anywhere else. How do you guys (and girls) store your peanut butter and jelly? At home I've always stored peanut butter in the pantry and jelly in the fridge but I'm not sure if the jelly can be kept out when I leave or what.
I do not refrigerate any natural PB I've acquired. No issues. I avoid the hydrogenated oil PB's like the plague.<br><br> I do keep my Jelly in the fridge, but I substitute Honey for jelly often. &nbsp;It is better for you and needs no refrigeration.
Okay awesome! I'm kind of addicted to Smuckers black-raspberry jelly so it'd could make many good meals on a sandwich!
I don't refrigerate my Jam/jelly. I've kept it for close to a year and kept expecting it to mold or go bad but it never has. No problem with it whatsoever.<br>Bob
We eat a LOT of pb. &nbsp;Just an FYI - Adams and Laura Scudder are all made by Smuckers. &nbsp;I actually called Smuckers one time about Adams. &nbsp;The difference between the three items is the darkness of the roast. &nbsp;Smuckers is darkest, Laura Scudder is next and Adams is lightest. &nbsp;Our preference is Smuckers. &nbsp;All the Cody, WY Walmart had was Adams.<br><br>I felt kind of funny standing in the aisle of Walmart talking to them but it was interesting to learn the differences.<br><br>Don't hesitate to look at the labels of your favorite products and call the companies. &nbsp;You get good information and perhaps some coupons.<br><br>-- &nbsp;Kevin
I'm a fan of the Trader Joe's crunchy unsalted, as is is about a buck cheaper than other hydrogenated oil free peanut butters<br><br>&nbsp;I usually pour off the oil on top right after opening. I find leaving it in and stirring makes it too thin and it falls/ squeezes off the bread, or tortilla.<br><br>Kind of offtopic, but I noticed that the PB without the Hydrogenated oils does not work nearly as well in rat/ mice traps. &nbsp;They prefer the bad stuff.
I use natural PB that I grind myself in the health food store usually a quart container full at a time...0 additives and very good. If I am at home and have refrigeration I just fill a pint jar container with it and leave that out, then refrigerate the rest. Not necessary though.<br><br>On the road, I just stop somewhere I can buy the fresh ground and get a pint at a time. In the rig it stay in a small cooler with no does any jam or jelly I stays relatively cool and is fine...<br><br>To sum up, I don't think any of it NEEDS refrigeration as Smuckers says....<br>Bri
While I have had open jelly mold on the shelf and in the fridge. (one generation ago, who would have understood that word?) The biggest problem is the jelly de-jellies and gets watery. The brand i use has no preservatives. PB has a touch of hydrogenated oil with salt and some times molasses. Other wise it should be called ground peanuts. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I love&nbsp;Crunchy Peanut Butter any brand will do as long has I have plenty of &nbsp;"Smucker's Cherry Preserves"&nbsp;to go with it.