Packrats under the hood

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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I was recently parked in the mountains of Colorado, next to a family member's cabin, surrounded by thick brush and trees. Even when visiting someone, I always sleep in my van. I had been there for a week or so when early one morning (5:30 am), I awoke to hear a few strange noises. I listened for a few minutes, the noise stopped, so I just blew it off, thinking it was a squirrel/bird/whatever. The next morning, it happened again. I remembered reading here where someone had a packrat in their rig. Thinking, "No way!", I raised the hood as soon as it was light enough to see and sure enough, there was the tail, protruding out from underneath the battery box.

I located three small new nests! Researched the little boogers and managed to get rid of it, after over a week of trying different things.

First, I removed the nesting materials with a vacuum, an air compressor, a coathanger with duct tape on the end, anything that would fit into those tight spaces. I then took the van to a car wash and power washed every place I could reach. It seems their scent attracts other packrats. I then used a 50% solution of pine sol and water on the areas where the rat had nested.

I arranged to park the van in a concrete parking area in town and moved into the spare bedroom in the cabin. I then used a product called Repel All, found at Ace Hardware. It is not a poison but has a strong odor that animals don't like. I then sprayed the liquid spray all under the hood, on the tires and tailpipe. I also sprinkled the granular form all around the van and on the tires. I checked it every morning and evening for a week to make sure the packrat was gone.

It did take a couple of power washes/applications of the Repel All to finally get rid of it. After two weeks, I left the area. On the way out of town, I stopped at the car wash and cleaned the stinky stuff off as best as I could. The first 60 miles were driven with the windows open!

No apparent damage was done (so far, so good).

If I had not read the other thread, it never would've occurred to me to check under the hood. Thanks!
At the time this was all happening, I was really upset about the entire business. I felt invaded and forced from my home! But there is always a funny side (well, later it was funny...).

One evening, early on in the process, I raised the hood to check on things. The little booger was sitting right on top of the radiator! Inches from my face!!! I jumped back, the hood slammed shut with a loud bang! I don't know who was more startled -- me or the packrat!

I think I used the Eff word! And said something like, "THIS IS WAR, you Effer!!"
haha, nice story. ive heard actually leaving the hood up can help deter nesting, as they feel exposed. but that may just drive them in deeper.
I had read about all sorts of remedies, ranging from fabric softener sheets (one person said the rat used it in his nest), peppers, hood up, lights, myriad other things which I don't recall now. I did try keeping the hood open at night and placed two bright work lights pointed at the places it was nesting. Didn't work. Tried traps on the ground by the tires (peanut butter, bacon, cheese) but caught only a couple of small mice.

I had also read they can get inside the air filter -- great nest building material. So after four years of having someone else change the filter, I learned how to do it myself. I was embarrassed with how easy it was!

And now you can bet that I will frequently check with a good flashlight all the little places I can find.
fortunately for me my dog(scout) is a great ratter. he will not put up with such shenanigans. highdesertranger
When I lived in an old trailer in the woods , I used to have a Maine Coon Cat, that guy would kill mice , rats , chipmunks , squirrels , weasels ,birds , even other cats ! I don't think a dog would have been very safe around him either !

Check your local shelter ..........barn cats not house kitties , wilder the better.
We picked up a bunch of mice in AZ after storing our van at a ranch for a couple months. Vacuumed out three nests. Then set traps with peanut butter and a piece of dental floss tied on the hook for the mice to tug on. A combination of being back on the road and the traps at night got rid of them all in two nights. It was awesome. I did feel real bad for the mechanic we asked to change our air filter!