Out-of-state credit card usage problems?

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Jun 27, 2021
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Do you ever have your credit or debit card flagged for possible theft or fraud because you're using it in other areas than your listed home city or domicile state? If so, is there an easy workaround for this situation?
Yes, I have a Paypal credit card and a Paypal debit card. When I'm on the road out of state and use the debit card at the gas pump it normally won't work and I have to take the card inside to the cashier.

I call the number on the back of the card and tell them I'm traveling and they lift the 'traveling hold' or whatever it is they call it. I just went through that a couple weeks ago. They want to know how long I'll be traveling when I call. They lifted it for a month
No I have not had mine flagged. That is because before I left I told my banking institutions of my travel plans. Just keep them updated on what you are doing and you won't have that kind of problem. But also set up your cards so you get a text when a charge is made. That way you can stop a fraudelent charge before it causes you any issues.
There was a fraudulent charge on my debit card a while back. Talked to the bank, got a new card. Set up the notification text on my new account. I get a notification if my account is successfully entered and one if there is a transaction. When I enter my account, the text comes almost immediately. When there's a transaction, it might come hours later or not at all. :/
X3 on notifying the card issuer.

I told them I travel a lot. No problems. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I don't use a credit card anymore, just a debit card.
wanderingsoul said:
There was a fraudulent charge on my debit card a while back.

There was a weird transaction on my debit card last year. I notified the bank, they deactivated the card and issued a new one, which took a couple of weeks, during which time I couldn't access my money. In the meantime they investigated the charge and discovered it had been an error on their part, not a fraudulent charge.  :s :dodgy:
Both my credit and debit cards send an instant text for any transaction over $.99.

Has worked very well, as I am immediately notified if there is a transaction I didn’t authorize.

Which has happened a few times.
No problem with mine.

I sort of remember having such issues a long time ago with a different card issuer than my current one.

I also carry two debit cards linked to different institutions, and backup cash.
MrNoodly said:
There was a weird transaction on my debit card last year. I notified the bank, they deactivated the card and issued a new one, which took a couple of weeks, during which time I couldn't access my money.

This might cause me to change banks.

When I’ve had to replace a card due to fraudulent activity, my bank and Visa company have overnighted new cards to me wherever I was.
I have never notified my CC companies and have had a problem only one time when driving back to Texas from California non-stop (except for gas). They started restricting pay at the pump (I then had to go inside). When inside failed, I called the number on the card and they said I was buying a lot of gas in a short time, so they turned it off. The phone call restored service immediately. My son was driving 130 when he was under the wheel so the car drank gas then! That car gets 29 MPG at 95 and 24 at 70. It also had a small tank being a sports car. I didn't check the 130 MPG (wish I had now).

Setting up notifications of balance exceeded and transactions wasn't available back then. They are set up now. Some transactions go right through to notify me and others can take hours. I don't know the difference in what causes it. Maybe as simple as the merchant not posting transactions until shift change? Dunno...
My card shuts me down when I order anything out of the WM warehouse in Arkansas. If it is coming from Los Angeles that's OK. One of the mysteries of banking.
I have not one but two free checking accounts at my credit union. A while back I got a small fraudelent debit transaction one one of them and had to get a new card issued. Until that card arrived I was able to transfer funds between one to the other using the banking app. That meant I never lost easy access to my money. 

I would suggest you look into something like that as it saved me considerable grief while I waited to have a new debit card mail forwarded to me from my mailbox service. 

Credit unions are pretty terrific when it comes to good service at a low cost.
yea I had to call and have that control lifted from my CC when traveling and I have to call on big transactions, like when I tried to charge $5K on it and it wouldn't go thru, had to call to release and let the transaction go thru.

but I have a money bank card. When buying online or don't want to use my CC in iffy situations I just use this bank debit card and whatever the cost of the item is, I just go online, transfer that amt over and it debits out....that way I keep the balance at 0 but I just transfer money onto this acct when I want to charge something so it is definitely a card that 'can't be hit' for fraud so I do love that convenience of it.

CCs are sometimes a big pain but a good thing we do need for convenience sometimes :)
I've had 3 credit cards cancelled while traveling. The kicker is that the companies will only send a replacement to your home address which is a big hassle when you're 2000 miles away and there is no one to forward your mail. I've learned to always keep 3 credit cards and several hundred in cash.
They sent me a card overnight when out of state. Guess I wore the magnetic strip out. LOL
I switched my checking / debit to a Neobank (google it lol) and have had zero issues with debit card use and Ive been in 26 states in the past year.
Credit card, for large purchases I have had to call after the purchase was declined at the point of sale. Once I called the purchase went trough.
I haven’t paid a lot attention to this thread but I have noticed it and always think WHAT? I made the my living in the tour business For about 15 years.hundreds of thousands of dollars a year spent by me and those working for me and that’s just one small company in the motorcoach tour industry Charged on credit cards. I never experienced a problem nor did I hear one in our organizations the national tour association or the American Buster Association. Now I use a debit card all over the East Coast without a problem, or even a question. Am I missing something?

We used to say the way to make a small fortune in the tour business was to start with a large one.