Our Adventure has just begun!!

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Jul 15, 2012
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Hiya!! We are very new to full-timing and are so grateful to have found this site!! The info is so great, we're learning on every page!! We have decided to go for solar panels (portable) from the easy to understand info we found on this site!! Thanks!! The boondocking info has been priceless!! We can see where it will easily save us thousands of dollars!! Thanks again!!<br />We have been full-timing in an old run down RV, 84 Coachman Sport Coach, for a couple months now. We've been Gate Guarding in this heat in southern Texas... Not the best choice but live and learn. We are heading out the end of the month to purchase a new (to us) truck and trailer and wander a bit before heading for the Sugar Beet Harvest.<br />Swing by the blog and check out our adventure so far. We'd love to have ya!! madcap328.wordpress.com<br /><br />Thanks again!!<br />Madcap<br />&nbsp;<br /><br />
Welcome and I love the name, brings to mind wonderful memories of madness.
<p>Welcome!&nbsp; Semi-retirement is a great thing!</p><p>V.T.</p>
&nbsp;Welcome to the forums! You've been having quite an adventure! Hope you find a good new RV. It's too bad that you've had some many problems with your current one. It looks pretty nice.