I can understand not wanting to waste money. Really research before buying anything. Sometimes the more expensive item will be a better buy because of the quality and the fact that it will actually work right for your application.
tonyandkaren said:I can understand not wanting to waste money. Really research before buying anything. Sometimes the more expensive item will be a better buy because of the quality and the fact that it will actually work right for your application.
jimindenver said:... My systems are larger than most here with 750w of solar and 675 Ah of battery. Even so my battery bank could only run that fridge for a few days by them selves and they are huge.
Stargazer said:Caroline57,
I am retired and do not have to be anywhere or need a computer to earn a living, so how I live wouldn't work for those who do.
I have NO added power system, just the starter battery, which is fine to recharge my iPhone, the only electronic device I carry. It works for me. I use the Xtreme ice chest and either a solar rechargeable lantern and/or the candelier lantern, or a battery powered fan when needed. For heat, the Mr Heater Buddy heater. I do carry a heavy duty extension cord, a small electric space heater, and an electric clip on desk lamp in the event I find myself with electric hookups somewhere (usually someone's driveway or once in a while a private RV park overnight). I mostly camp in national forests/BLM/State parks. Extreme weather requiring more and I relocate to a place with milder climate.
I have camped with people who have elaborate electrical systems and it seems to me they spend a lot of time watching battery levels, etc. Rain or clouds for a few days and they are asking to place their milk in my ice chest, sitting in the dark, freaking out because their laptops are dead.
The portable solar panels/kits are heavy (45#?) and take up a lot of space. A good friend of mine, with whom I have camped for several weeks at a time, bought one and after a couple of months, she just quit using it (and her fridge) because it was just too much trouble to deal with.
It just all depends on how you live. I thrive on simplicity. I don't mind breaking camp to make a supply run once a week because "breaking camp" to me means stowing the stove and bag chair. Done.
Just wanted to present the other side. Without all the extras, I am free to park anywhere the van will go, am set up in less than a minute or two and have nothing worth stealing (except the van itself). I love the peace of nothing to worry about.
Best wishes.
Almost There said:I'm a super visual person haha I'm an artist. And I guess I would like recommendations on good coolers and fridges... And this post got a little off topic... It was more about wether or not to get solar not as much how much I need. But I'm very open to suggestions on food keeping from everyone.
Caroline57 said:See I'm a bit of a minimalist and I feel like everything I do I get talked into 10 other things. And i do need my Mac. It's how I manage all my photography stuff. There's no point in having a professional camera if you don't have a computer. And I mean I'm no photographer but I dabble and I use transferred photos in my art sometimes. So I need something. And I'll be around towns every few days I feel like I'm an incredibly social person, I love my alone time but I'm not gonna hide from civilization for weeks. I just feel like I don't like coolers. Or ice. I would worry about food going bad or it leaking in getting gross. wanna set my little dial and forget about it. I love camping but I'm a 20 year old girl, I don't need anything fancy but I need a few modern comforts. That's why I was looking for opinions. I'm only doing to use a battery powered drawing lamp also. No lighting.
Almost There said:I can understand the not liking ice melting and leaking in to the food and the idea of food going bad if it gets too warm.
The first (ice melting and leaking in to the food is easily controlled with coolers by using a plastic container to hold the ice block so that it doesn't run everywhere. Food doesn't go in the 'ice bucket', ice doesn't go in the food area - problem solved!
Food spoilage is the result of human error. If one doesn't replace the ice as often as needed, food is going to spoil. As the human in charge, it's my fault if I run out of ice.
But your comment begs the question - what is it about coolers that you don't like? Or are you only familiar with coolers that you put ice in?
dragonflyinthesky said:Solar power is worth the cost. I use a 4 day cooler that works no better than a 3 day cooler even with extra insulation. I wish I knew what fridge to use. I'm just glad I followed advice here about not getting the fridge you were thinking of months ago. My big expense is ice.
Caroline57 said:Almost there- all that was so unbelievably helpful I can't even explain. Thank you so so much. It's exactly the info I was looking for. I was already planning on getting an inverter. I didn't even know there was another option for charging my stuff. Aren't most the coolers and things able to be plugged into a regular plug also? Like off an inverter? And yeah I have absolutely no reason for a freezer. My freezer is completely empty other than a bag of frozen blueberries, so I don't need that but It looks like the fridges cost around $500? I really can't just run a $15 mini fridge from Craigslist? $500 is doable but that's a lot of art supplies and gas..
Caroline57 said:I'm going to live in my van for a few years maybe 5 and travel a ton and make art and tan naked in the middle of the woods.
highdesertranger said:hahaha " tan naked in the middle of the woods" got GPS coordinates. just kidding. highdesertranger
Caroline57 said:My main problem with them is that they are ugly. Fridges are quite pretty. They come in shinny smooth stainless steel. Coolers look like I spent the whole day fishing and needed somewhere to put my dead things. I guess this could be remedied by hiding it in a cabinet. But i just really didn't want to deal with ice I wanted to plug it in and forget it but I need to get over it I guess. And Im not really familiar with any coolers other than throwing an ice pack in a coleman and going for a kayak trip and having a pick nick. I know it sounds annoying that its all about looks but If you saw the plans for my van you would understand why i can just set a cooler, even one of the nice ones, just anywhere. My van may be taking forever, but its gonna be beautiful.
Caroline57 said:Almost there- all that was so unbelievably helpful I can't even explain. Thank you so so much. It's exactly the info I was looking for. I was already planning on getting an inverter. I didn't even know there was another option for charging my stuff. Aren't most the coolers and things able to be plugged into a regular plug also? Like off an inverter? And yeah I have absolutely no reason for a freezer. My freezer is completely empty other than a bag of frozen blueberries, so I don't need that but It looks like the fridges cost around $500? I really can't just run a $15 mini fridge from Craigslist? $500 is doable but that's a lot of art supplies and gas..