Oooooh stinky!!!!

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Well-known member
May 24, 2013
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I have a camper van with a separate holding tank for the little kitchen sink. &nbsp;It comes out to a 'gate' and then down to a hose bib ending(you could attach a garden hose). &nbsp;It has been fitted with a screw on cap that allows the grey water to drip as you are going down the road. &nbsp;<br><br>Well I have never been able to leave well enough alone. &nbsp;I got to thinking, gee that is a kitchen sink, I bet particles have gone down in there and might be trapped behind the cap. &nbsp;So I removed the cap and then opened the gate. &nbsp;The sludge that came out of there was incredible! &nbsp;I was glad that I released it somewhere out of the way because it stunk to high heaven! &nbsp;I patted myself on the back on doing a good job and got back to packing.<br><br>I went in to the van to rest about an hour later and the stink drove me back out quickly. &nbsp;I felt really guilty that my little dog had been in there with that sort of smell. &nbsp;So I rushed down to the store and bought some of the anti-stinky stuff for RV holding tanks. &nbsp;Nope, not making a dent in the stink. &nbsp;I ran water down into the holding tank along with the anti-stinky stuff. &nbsp;The air is now breathable as long as you breathe through your mouth. &nbsp;I plan on running some more water down in the holding tank and drive a ways and slosh it around good and then dump it. &nbsp;Then refill, drive back to the house and dump it again.<br><br>Any suggestions for killing the smell?
I have no practical experience with this whatsoever.&nbsp; However, I have heard that adding ice to a tank before driving helps scrub the walls.<br><br>Vickie
&nbsp;add a gallon of bleach and fill the tank with watter and let sit for 2 or 3 days and then flush.
Ice is not a bad idea, except I couldn't get it into the greywater holding tank for this sink.&nbsp; It is a tiny sink and the drain has a cross of metal in the drain.&nbsp; I couldn't get ice past that.&nbsp; probably wouldn't last long enough in this 110 degree heat to do me any good.<br><br>Bleach would probably work, but I am horribly allergic to it.&nbsp; I can't be near the fumes.&nbsp; I wonder if I could get someone to put bleach in it for a couple of hours and then flush it really good.&nbsp; I'll see if I can get someone to do that for me.
Find some Calgon (remember?) water softener (try Walmart). &nbsp;Add it to the tank with some bleach. &nbsp;Drive so that it sloshes around. &nbsp;The Calgon loosens the crud that is stuck to the walls and then you can flush it out.<br><br>Sorry about the Calgon jingle now stuck in your head...
Bleach reacts with organic stuff (sludge in tank) to make fumes that can kill you. You have the right idea of flushing the tank. Try some Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (<span class="st">Na2CO3). Very cheap. Mix it rich with water. Sounds like your sink has no trap. As #5 get a stopper for sink. get rid of the dripper as it is illegal and as you found causes more problems.<br></span>
Liquid Laundry detergent kills Bio-stuff. Put a cup or 1/2 and add enough water to get it inside, drive a little and then do again. This works so good, it is what I use to clean the toilet bowl. (not full strength) No Brush as it will attract smells. <br><br>You could try a 2 liter bottle of cola. No joke. <br><br>If that does not work, try Liquid Lysol for the other stink. <br><br>Check the vent lines. You should not be getting a smell inside. Is there a loop on the bottom of the sink? IT is there for a vapor seal.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
if it was me I would try vinegar.&nbsp; seeing how bleach doesn't seem to be an option.&nbsp; highdesertranger
oh yeah,&nbsp; put a trap on the sink also, &nbsp;and a leaking holding tank is illegal.&nbsp; highdesertranger
I had wondered about the legality of that set up.&nbsp; Especially after the smell being so horrible, I don't think it is a good idea even if it was legal.&nbsp; I finally got enough water and anti-stinky stuff down it to get the smell killed.&nbsp; I'll be trying several of y'alls suggestions to see if I can get that tank clean and crud free.&nbsp; Now if I could ever just get my problems here at the house straightened out so that I can get on the road!&nbsp; I had planned on being at the summer RTR by now!
Not sure if grey water and bleach would be dangerous.&nbsp; Black tank would be very dangerous though, urea in dried urine breaks down into ammonia which can be deadly when mixed with bleach <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
In order to scrub out the tank. Add a bag of crushed Ice in the drain opening, Add 3+ gal of water and take for a drive. Drain afterwards.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Even gray water contains organic matter. Not recommended to use chlorine bleach in a unventilated area.
Try using bi carb soda 1 cup per gallon of water and let sit for a couple of hours.<br>Drain rinse and repeat if necessary,I use it in my kitchen/laundry and bathroom sinks each week,<br>keeps them smelling sweet.<br><br>Hope you get some relief .<br><br>cheers<br>Ann
I put water in both tanks, drove to friends RV park and used her dump station.&nbsp; Rinsed and dumped again a few times and this seems to have taken care of the problem.&nbsp; I'm going to make sure and travel with water in the tanks between RV parks and hopefully that will wash out any remaining nasty stuff.