Once again, my Ins is Screwed up.

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2014
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I am insured with DH's retirement benefits. It's been with Aetna for decades. Every time his old company changes hands - right now it's with Heinz - the idiots lose me. We've been called for a month, ever since he got his 2016 card and I did not get mine - and it gets worse with every call. First, Aetna says my cards are on the way. Then, they say that they have me, but needed more info from Heinz. Now, Heinz says they processed the info, but Aetna couldn't find me active for 2016 at all! 

Is Aetna run by lunatics? We go thru this Every Single Time! Ye Gods and Goddesses! I want universal coverage! How do people deal with this crap who are really ill?
gcal said:
I am insured with DH's retirement benefits. It's been with Aetna for decades. Every time his old company changes hands - right now it's with Heinz - the idiots lose me. We've been called for a month, ever since he got his 2016 card and I did not get mine - and it gets worse with every call. First, Aetna says my cards are on the way. Then, they say that they have me, but needed more info from Heinz. Now, Heinz says they processed the info, but Aetna couldn't find me active for 2016 at all! 

Is Aetna run by lunatics? We go thru this Every Single Time! Ye Gods and Goddesses! I want universal coverage! How do people deal with this crap who are really ill?

Send them a certified return requested demand letter.  Using terms like "constructive notice"  and "gross negligence" get noticed.

They just love it when you call, they don't have to do anything...
I think every large company has its fair share of fruitloops (a.k.a. people that do not perform the job with adequate skill) in its ranks. I wish you the best luck in finding a solution for this problem.
DH got hold of Retiree Services at Kraft\Heinz. I am on their records. They will get with the incompetent bozos at Aetna and get this straightened out. Could take into the first week of January - assuming it gets done. Meanwhile, I had better not have any medical problems. There are doctors and medical facilities here in Florida that will let you die in the streets if you don't have proof of insurance that satisfies them.
Retiree Services called back and ID'd the problem. They have my soc sec number wrong. Three months ago, I got a letter from Aetna with my number wrong. I called. They said not to worry about it, it would be updated, they didn't use soc sec numbers for ID anymore, anyway, so it would not be a problem. It's a problem. Now, DH has to go online and email a copy of my card to get it corrected in the systen at Heinz. Heinz sends it to Aetna. Aetna sits on it until they feel like processing it, and sends me a new coverage card when they bloody well feel like it. My soc sec card is in the safety deposit box. Thank goodness we are here in Florida for the winter and not in Tucson. My son could not get into the box to send me the card. Dealing with the Feds to get a duplicate card so I could send the required doc would have been SO much fun. These nitwits have nearly half a century of my records and they still need me to jump thru hoops to confirm who I am because someone at THEIR end messed up my records.
Gcal, What a pita... One of my peeves is having to spend half a day on the phone trying to find out the whys and whats of some stupid problem like that. Half the time you end up having to make a dozen phone calls to and do all the footwork yourself. Sorry you had to take on that fight.
Cammalu said:
Gcal,   What a pita...  One of my peeves is having to spend half a day on the phone trying to find out the whys and whats of some stupid problem like that.  Half the time you end up having to make a dozen phone calls to and do all the footwork yourself.  Sorry you had to take on that fight.

Thank you. Yes, we've been making call after call forever. Hold times are a quarter of an hour, minimum, before a human being comes on the line. 

Actually, I am lucky. The Retiree rep at Heinz actually did find out what the problem is. The people at Aetna were clueless. The rep called back with how to fix it. The ditzes from Aetna never did. I am in the right place to get what I need to fix it and not half a continent away.

However, I am going to have to wait to get what I think is a spur on my heel looked at until this is straightened out. The foot doctor won't even make an appointment without being able to confirm adequate insurance, which right now, he can't. Pity DH. Constant unnecessary pain makes me poor company.
As a last resort, mentioning the Insurance Commissioner for your state and seeing if they can help get it straightened out sometimes gets attention. I get fed up with incompetence pretty fast.
Unfortunately,the people you deal with are doing exactly what they are trained to do.If they can confuse and complicate a situation until people quit trying and save their employer from having to pay a claim,that's exactly what they are supposed to do.Maybe someday we'll join the rest of the civilized world and have universal coverage.

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