Not so New Now...Just Confused...

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Boris Badanov

Active member
Jun 3, 2013
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So, I've gotten some great feedback from folks about my starting out in the conversion of a step van for a full-time home. (Introduce Yourself - No Skilz Newbie). I've seen what amazing things can be accomplished from scratch and it's only heightened my excitement about leading this lifestyle. I've done an enormous amount of research, read two different books, read throught the entirety of several forums, read blogs, watched videos and spent hours online and out in the real world looking for vehicles. I'm more lost than ever.

My main challenges are these:
* Budget - I can buy something but would have to wait to fix it up. And my time is at a premium.
* No place to work on a build. I live in an apartment building. I don't have friends with driveways or yards. I would have to rent a place to do the build and simply park the truck until it was somewhat habitable.
* I have no handyman skills at all. I'm confident I could develop some basic skills but I believe I'd have to hire people to work on any electrical or plumbing projects. There's no doubt that my skills would improve once I immersed myself in living in a truck, but I'm not prepared to throw a mattress on the floor and work around
* Stealth is HUGE! I live right outside NYC in Northern Jersey. I will continue working at my job. I have to be able to park hassle-free.

I came to this Forum having found this ad.

It seems to answer many of my needs except for stealth. It has been suggested to me that I could disguise it as some type of commercial vehicle, i.e. pet grooming. It's ready to go, though I would, of course, make a mechanic checks it out. I could make the changes I want as I can afford them - remove the bunk beds, etc. I could live in it now!

I feel as though I'm coping out but I think it's best if I acknowledge my limitations. I don't even know if it's still available. The owners were a bit curt when answering my emails (it is insulated). But the more I read, see, and look, the more the seems as though it's the way to start my journey.

Have I answered my own question? Maybe. But I'd like to know that y'all think -is it feasible for me to think it might be best to start from scratch, and find the help I need to do it? Is it more cost effective to do it that way in the long run? Am I just a scaredy cat?

Hell, is there anyone in the NY/NJ/CT area who wants to come look at the damn thing with me?

Yeah, I'm that torn up about it.

Thanks for listening. I appreciate your indulgence.


Sounds like a good deal to me. Diesel and a grumman. And the price is right. Have a mechanic check it out.

Down here in Florida it would go for more.
Thanks, Wade. Ive got family in Flouda and was planning to register the vehicle and get insured down there. Interesting that it would cost more...

Well at one point I was looking for a step van. Found a chip truck. It had over a million miles. It had the computer hookup too. It had a manuel shift, which I really wanted for less maintenance. The guy wanted 4000$ for it and it was not built out. He didn't want to come down any either. You can imagine it was pretty rough driving with that many miles. I might have given him $2000-$2500 for it. Body was in great shape though.
Hi Boris, That one looks pretty good. I was looking for a step van, but couldn't find a decent one out here. I finally gave up and bought a box truck. <br>If I had found one like the one you posted, I probably would have inspected it first, and depending on it's length, if it checked out I might have bought it. (I probably would have offered $3500 depending on what I found) <br>One thing that might kill the deal is length. How long is it? You may not be able to find parking for a rig that size, especially if you need stealth. Can you imagine the neighbors reaction if you show up in that and take up the space that could have parked three of their cars? <br>On the other hand, if you have a reliable place to park it, I say go for it.<br>-Bruce
&nbsp;Before you by any type of vehicle scout around for places to park. Something as big as a step van is not going to be very stealthy and, like Ballenxj points out, the neighbors may not like you parking on their street. Are there any industrial areas where you can park? Walmarts or other big box stores? Inexpensive trailer parks?
There would be no street parking for this baby anywhere near where I live. But I knew that. I happen to live near several WalMarts but would have to check out their policies. Also, there are many, many industrial parks and factory like areas around. Lots a places for overngight parking. No decent rv parks, though. Fortunately, I could park at work every day. The length is an issue but the space is a major factor for me.

How does it work when you go check out a vehicle and you want a mechanic to check it out? Do you just drive the truck to a shop?

Again, thanks for your feedback.
Hello again Boris, Do you have friends that can recommend an honest mechanic? That would be ideal. <br>Anyway, go see the mechanic first, then describe the vehicle to him. Make sure you mention it's a diesel. Now tell him that you would like him to check it over before buying, and ask what he will charge to do that. This way there are no surprises.&nbsp; <br>Try to coordinate with the seller and mechanic for an appointment. <br>Now if you had a mechanically savvy buddy that could go with you for the initial inspection, all the better. <br>-Bruce
tonyandkaren does bring up a good point. Before you buy a step van consider the "stealth" factor for this&nbsp;type vehicle.<br><br>Some jurisdictions have limitations on the size of vehicles parked on&nbsp;roadways. If&nbsp;a vehicle is over a certain height and/or length parking on a public roadway will make your vehicle a target for law enforcement officers (LEO's).<br><br>For example, in some southern California locations such as San Diego, a vehicle&nbsp;over 7 feet&nbsp;in height&nbsp;or 22 feet in length&nbsp;(or longer) cannot legally park on the street. They also have a 72-hour rule as well. You have to move&nbsp;a vehicle every 72-hours to avoid&nbsp;being cited by the local police.<br><br>So do consider where&nbsp;you'll be living the&nbsp;majority of the time and what you'll be driving. If you'll be living in the city a step van will stand out if you're parked on a&nbsp;public street. If you'll be living in a rural area a step van might be a good&nbsp;option.
You folks are really wonderful to spend your time advising me. You've no idea how much I appreciate this.

Mechanics - the vehicle I'm considering is 2 hours away. I have no local mechanic but I do have a few mechanically minded buddies I can think of who might make the trip with me. I still think a real mechanic needs to see it but perhaps I can work with the seller on this. It might be something I can deal with in negotiating the price.

Parking - I am clear that I will NOT be able to park this vehicle, or any step van, on the street in my area. It will be all lot parking. Interestingly, I learned today that I may be able to rent space in a lot on a monthly basis.

Most people in this area commute into Manhattan to work; many drive, or take New Jersey Transit buses, but many also take cheaper independently operated jitneys, affectionately called roach coaches because there are so many of them! Those that are not part of a large fleet have to park in the area and I see them in lots all over. I think I could make that same arrangement and drive the camper to work because there's a large lot there. I'm not nearly as worried about this because if it becomes a true hassle, I'll move. I work for a company that has many, many locations in the state and nationwide, providing me with transfer opportunities that would better suit my van dwelling needs. In that, I'm fortunate, because no matter what vehicle I choose or build, I have decided I won't be locked into something I don't want because of parking problems. I'll move to a place where it won't be as big an issue before I compromise. I'm making this life style choice so I can be done with compromising even though the whole way of living is predicated on compromis! : ) When I think of how I am going to have make so many changes...but I'm exhilarated by the challenges and every time I think I've hit a dead end, a new course presents itself. And this Forum has been a tremendous inspiration. Every reply brings me that much closet to realizing my dream.

Thank you.
Any updates? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> <br>-Bruce

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