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Sep 17, 2018
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I'm getting ready to partake in the mobile living lifestyle. I have decided to give it a 30 day test drive. After that I will decide if it's for me or not. I do have some fears that I'm working out. I've spent the last 3 winter's living in the Philippines for 3 to 6 months at a time and didn't have quite this much fear. I know that I will get over these fears in time. I tell myself that I won't be on my death bed regretting not having done things.
A little bit about myself. I'm retired Air Force and 57 years old, I don't feel old but that danged old guy keeps staring at me in the mirror every morning. My father also retired from the Air Force so I've moved a lot in my life. I have a 2007 Ford Expedition that I own and will be using as my first camping vehicle. I'm use to living a relatively simple life so that should help me make the adjustment to living in a vehicle. When I live in the Philippines I live on 700 to 800 USD per month and hope to live on around that amount in my vehicle but time will tell.
Hello Willy, a lot of people coming here express the same sort of reservations. It's always that way when you try something new. But you have exactly the right idea. Try it for a month, out in the country. Start out by staying at organized campgrounds, rather than boondocking or stealth in the city, and talk to the other campers. After 2 days, it'll be easy.

For my part, I don't even want to *visit* the Philippines, let alone live there, but I have been camping all over the country my entire life and am still surviving. There are also a number of solo women who are doing this just fine. You might be interested to watch some of RVCarolyn's videos. She been traveling alone for several years, and is currently in Alaska. Having a good time.

Take a look at what Bob Wells says in his video, starting right at 45:00.
Hi Willy! Let me say this: if you weren't a bit scared, I'd be worried about you. It's the ones who just throw everything away and jump out on the road that get themselves into trouble. Those who approach this life with care and caution do just fine. You're doing it the right way, dipping your big toe into the water. If it isn't your cup of tea, nothing lost, and a lot gained.

By the way, an Expedition is a great vehicle to camp out of! Before I got my current truck, I was on the lookout for a decommissioned LE Expedition. That's what the AZ Border Patrol uses to hunt in the desert, and if it works for you're in good shape all around, I'd say.

The Dire Wolfess
Welcome to the CRVL forums MrWillyV! A test drive is a great idea! Please come back and let us know how it's going. Are you planning on attending the RTR in January? It's a good place to meet other dwellers and get tips about everything.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome! Thank you for your service and sacrifice! Mobile dwelling is the perfect way to enjoy and celebrate your retirement. Although, 30 days may not be enough time to work out the kinks and feel. comfortable