Newbie to the forum. Colorado to California soon.

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Sep 12, 2020
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Southern California
Hello to all! Senior female with little dog. No real desire to travel, just want to stay healthy, save rent money, continue to sell online and grow that business, be independent, live in a mild climate, and see my grandbaby for the very first time! 

All info on avoiding the knock on the California coast from Ventura, Santa Barbara to San Francisco much appreciated. 
Oct 1st I travel!
I urban stealth camped total of a year two summers in Colorado five years ago, pre-pandemic. 
Looking for an affordable office with bathroom this time.
Thanks to all!
Welcome to the forum.

I love your user name.

Years ago I had a friend whose little dog's name was Watusi Loosy... :rolleyes:
Why would you avoid the coast? It’s some of the most beautiful land in the world. PCH Pacific Coast Highway goes from the Mexican to the Canadian borders although much of it veers inland a bit. It’s the trip of a lifetime.
Thanks for the reply lerca.

Avoiding the knock.

I will be on the California coast. Grew up there.

No idea how to do smilies. Sorry!
I’ve come down 101 somewhere around Eureka I believe, and found a spot to pull off I figured out of the way. There were cars coming off and turning the other direction until a squad car pulled my way. He just made sure I was ok and let me be. It was just dusk... But the LA area I don’t know what you’d do. I go in and get out as quickly as possible. My take is if you get a knock they are concerned for your well being. I’ve had knocks in other places and never told to leave. I do what I do to see grand babies also. They just returned west from visiting me in Minnesota just to be surrounded by smoke. Thick smoke! They may be visiting again real soon!
Welcome to the CRVL forums WatusiLucy !

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I lived in my car for a year in coastal So Cal and not only didn’t I get a knock but the sheriff let me sleep in their parking lot when I first started and was scared. I was very stealth but didn’t have any problems.
I'm new to the Nomadic life and I hit the road at the end of the month. I'm starting in California and have nowhere to be until Mid-December. Where then I need to be in Fort Collins, CO. Sounds like were on the oppisite routes. Thats a bummer, have a wonderful trip though.

Jed N
Jubb said:
Make sure you go to the most beautiful town of Estes Park, just up the road 30 minutes or so from Ft Collins. If you are in a car/van and park overnight, look for dead end street near condos. There was a good spot SW of the McDonalds on the west side of the street. Don't stay in the Stanley Hotel parking lot I was warned away from there. Stanley Hotel from The Shining.
There were (pre-pandemic) two or three public showers in Estes Park. The main one everyone goes to because showers are not allowed in the national forest. And the newer laundromat has one. And another rustic shower on the way out of town going towards the west. Cost was $5 or $3. I don't know if they would be closed now. Buy your food in Ft Collins because there is nowhere good for food in Estes.
Happy travels!
I will need to start work right away in Calif and am very worries about parking overnight in the city. If you have any tips, please share. I will try to be stealth but I have a little dog and he barks when he wants to.
i'm a newbie too... re: showers .... idk whether people are taking showers now, in public settings or not... i wouldn't, due to covid.

this guy put out a nice video that i got a lot of tips from, on avoiding the knock. he's totally stealth... and he does this in LA....
LERCA said:
I lived in my car for a year in coastal So Cal...
Sbar Vta areas? Are any of the Walmarts still ok? I am purging belongings to have a stealth suv, no cargo on top, no trailer. Have you used any of those city provided safe parking lots with the long waiting lists? I know they have tons of rules and I am opposed to them wanting to get us back to "normal" which means paying $1200+ a month for a room. :-/
doublegregg said:
i'm a newbie too... re: showers ....
Thanks, I saw that video, good one. I am only going stealth because I think I will be right in an expensive city and I don't want any tickets. I have only parked at Walmarts in the past. Never have parked on side streets, etc. except in emergencies. I have a dog and I prefer sleeping on the front seat, keys at the ready to book if needed.
If I had my way, I would have a mint luxury Vogue RV and some kittens! :shy:
doublegregg said:
i'm a newbie too... re: showers .... idk whether people are taking showers now, in public settings or not... i wouldn't, due to covid.

this guy put out a nice video that i got a lot of tips from, on avoiding the knock. he's totally stealth... and he does this in LA....

THIS GUY is Bob. He owns this forum, here.
Nope haven’t been that far north. I stayed in my hometown area where I knew where to sleep. I made a mistake in telling someone where the Walmart was where people often spend the night. He asked the manager and was told no. Two nights later there were several giant RVs there. And every time I go there about 2x a week.

I don’t know why he asked when I told him it was ok. I stayed parking lots (inclosing one next to the Walmart) that have front and back buildings. The police don’t have the staff to check all these little hidden places. In really nice areas they have private security and a bit more police patrols but where I live I found old large office buildings in sites with more than one Building and parked in between. Never had trouble and felt safer.

In SoCal if you don’t park a giant RV along with 6 others in a residential neighborhood or main road or beaches or parks they pretty much leave you alone.

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