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Jun 28, 2018
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Me and my wife will be nomadic sooner than  planned.Got a letter today we must move  by the end of july.Being that we are both on disability  we have no savings.Reason being the low amount and the government doesn't allow for savings. We have been buying equipment and fixing a old truck so we could pull a camper.Truck not ready and no camper. So the plan is a tent until  we save enough. We are very scared but know we will come out ok.We always We are starting of in northern  Utah.
I plan to help people as much as I can.I'm a licenced aircraft mechanic.So I can help with mechanical issues .I have no money to give.I have a skill that can help.
Making decisions on comparing fixing and old vehicle vs. buying new can be very tough, and in tough circumstances. I like a canopy setup on my truck, but it would be harder with two - more unpacking if you are sleeping inside.

I'm on that same program, if they inflation adjusted the savings limit it would be 10k now. Elizabeth Warren introduced some legislation to do that, but it didn't pass. Awareness of that issue is important.

With the savings limit between the two of you should find a reasonable running cargo or mini van. Being up front about your situation can be a good negotiating tactic, to a point. Broaching the subject on the phone can help to avoid wasting anyone's time, including your own.
Waywolf! Welcome to the CRVL forums! I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances. I hope we can help you get on your feet. Or, wheels underneath you, as is the case, here.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
I guess the landlord has a heart. We got 9 months at a higher rent.So we have time to get more ready.I'm mid engine change on the truck.we have plenty of camping gear.So We will be fine.We just want a small camper for our comfort.When we have no rent we will be able to up grade.this is something we want just thought we had more time.But life has no cares for your plans.
We plan on going to rtr.Then we will be on the road in April.
I am glad something went your way. With the truck you have several options. build a camper, get an enclosed trailer, or get a flatbed trailer and build a cabin to put on top of it. This is a good site for building trailers some people build nice teardrop trailers using a cheap Harbor freight trailer.
I do have a 18ft flatbed trailer so I will look into it .Thanks
Thanks savage.
One bad thing with the economy doing good is the housing market is good too.So it is a good time for owners to sell right now.Not so good for renters. I hate feeling so powerless.Thats what I hope to get out of being a nomad.
Welcome Waywest! I’m new too and in a similar situation. Glad u got some more time to figure things out. Blessings during your transition!
I'm not trying to be unkind but I don't understand why people don't save money in the form of cash.  I was married to two women who didn't allow me to have savings either. So I learn how to save ca$h and put it where they didn't know where it was.  You don't have to lie to anyone; you just don't have to tell everything you know.  If I had money in a bank account they thought it needed to be spent.
Waywest said:
Thanks savage. One bad thing with the economy doing good is the housing market is good too.So it is a good time for owners to sell right now.Not so good for renters. I hate feeling so powerless. That's what I hope to get out of being a nomad.

Powerless is how I have felt the last couple of days. I won't get into it in this thread, but I have been battling with Social Security over disability for over 6 months now and I just found out they're going to deny me again, despite medical evidence from doctors that I should be on it. I will post the details in my blog in the next few days. I am waiting for a letter of explanation. But it basically ruined the majority of my plans, since I have been out of work for over a year because of this.

So yeah, feeling powerless is something I understand.
Guess I was lucky I got on disability my second try.But already had a V.A. disabilty.. Shortly after leaving the Army.I know many people are having problems getting on.So sad how can people survive.

Yea saving money would be great.But you have to have some left after bills and cost to put away. TRUST me you don't get rich on kids Just got done with school and will be moving after saving up.
Yeah, my problem is I can't find any work I can do with my limitations, so I have zero income for about 6 months now. That's the reason I lost my house and moved into the RV in the first place. Don't want to get rich...just want to get better and not lose my RV / Truck in the process. If I appeal the attorney says it would be a year before I would get a hearing at this point.