Newbie Idea on Outside Window Covers

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2015
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Got this idea from a previous blog on an outside windshield cover ( 

  I made outside window covers for our RoadTrek 190V out of solar screen--for front, back and one side window.  Screens are cut slightly larger than the window and button magnets are glued on to the edges to make for fast & easy install/removal.   Besides cutting out most of the heat gain they allow you to still see out (from inside) but not so from the outside.   This is what I used but I'm sure other types would work:

My first attempt at these used regular ($5/roll) walmart screen door screen.  These helped but actual solar screen worked much better--screen 'holes' are smaller and the vertical threads are about 3 times thicker than the horizontal threads.
JT646 said:
My first attempt at these used regular ($5/roll) walmart screen door screen.  These helped but actual solar screen worked much better--screen 'holes' are smaller and the vertical threads are about 3 times thicker than the horizontal threads.

Any photos of your project? 

sounds good.
highdesertranger said:
yeah post up some pics.  highdesertranger

Will do....once I get my computer/camera connection working again.   It's a pretty easy undertaking though-- I used newspaper to make a template for the windshield and then cut the screen slightly longer on the left and right sides.   This allows room for the magnets with enough room (I hope) to slide my silver windshield shade in between--if extra outside shading is desired.


PS Of all of the  van 'improvements' I've made I would rate this one as the most beneficial so far--greatly increased privacy and a cooler interior to boot.
My only concern is that anyone can lift the screen and invade your privacy at any time. For that reason alone I prefer mounting screens inside the van, not outside.
I'd really love to see some pics of these up. I vandwell in the city where looks are everything to blend in, and I suspect these might appear too out of place to use on the outside. However it's SUCH a great idea that I can't let it go that easily. I'm staying tuned!
Bitty said:
I'd really love to see some pics of these up. I vandwell in the city where looks are everything to blend in, and I suspect these might appear too out of place to use on the outside. However it's SUCH a great idea that I can't let it go that easily. I'm staying tuned!

Hope to have some pics or video link up soon.   Because they are essentially the same size & shape as the window (slightly larger to allow for magnets) they really don't stand out.  It just looks like (from outside) you have a very dark window or dark interior.  I recently used these in a busy neighborhood in San Clemente.  People were quite surprised when we came out of the van--thinking no one was in there.

Note:  If you put these (or silver reflectors) on the inside you will still be allowing quite a bit of heat to pass through the glass--versus an exterior mounting.
I decided to see what it costs on  $86.93 Cdn plus $5.54 Cdn shipping.
I think I will pass.
Link listed below for a short video of solar screens on van. 
 Hope this helps those that are curious. 

JT646 do you ever drive with them on?

I've just ordered some. It was $17 plus nearly $2 in tax (Amazon is technically 'buying local' for me...ha!). From your video it appears to me it may be semi-stealth, that is, not attract attention or be obviously connected to "living in" the vehicle, but up close an observant person would notice something a bit funny.

I'm snatching it now because A) I'm desperate for options to reduce heat when parked in the sun and B) I'm now suddenly living out of an SUV with virtually no tinting for privacy so I figure it's a good time to try this out. Decal tinting is a real pain and costs about as much, so I figure this is worth a go. I'm reticent to cut it to fit a vehicle I'm only in briefly so I might do something weird to dance around that. We'll see.
I like this idea, I was considering making my own Vinyl cover like the commercial one Bob uses. But this has the appeal of light weight, easier to store. I have a boat load of magnets from the insides of Hard drives. Guaranteed not to come loose in Gail force wind, LOL

I think it's time to go pick some up. If I can get to this before I head back to Sequoia this weekend I'll definitely post up pics.

Mike R
Bitty said:
JT646 do you ever drive with them on?

I sometimes drive with the back window screen up--so far no issues even at highway speeds.   These appear as very dark windows from the outside--especially when the side windows are covered (curtains, etc.).  I wouldn't want to drive far with the windshield screen on--you do loose some visibility.

PS  If I made these again I would not glue on the magnets--just wrap a piece of black tape (with tab) around them and attach where needed.   This would give more flexibility on placement--especially if you want to use them on a different window or vehicle.
For me these will be just for my E-150 and I actually have visions of Sewing the magnets in. Will see.

Oh and as for driving with them on NO WAY JOSE! I'm sure that's a code violation of some kind in all 50 states,

Mike R
JT646 said:
I sometimes drive with the back window screen up--so far no issues even at highway speeds.   These appear as very dark windows from the outside--especially when the side windows are covered (curtains, etc.).  I wouldn't want to drive far with the windshield screen on--you do loose some visibility.

Yeah I was thinking definitely not the windshield screen. Good to know.

MikeRuth said:
Oh and as for driving with them on NO WAY JOSE! I'm sure that's a code violation of some kind in all 50 states

I'm not so sure. If securely attached to the windows, I'd figure that erring on the safe side of any grey area would be to obey tint laws with it. Tint laws in WA for SUVs and vans have restrictions for the windshield and front door windows, while all other windows are literally "any darkness can be used". Vans with no windows back there are within the law, so why would restricting the view on existing windows by applying screens be an issue?

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