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Jan 28, 2020
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:) :) Hi..I'm from Michigan, in the Detroit Metro area and I got addicted to watching all the tiny living and how to reduce my cost of living (always been on a super tight budget) and ways to reduce my waste as well. I have the adventure bug as well and I'm a single mom with grown children but I do have 
I have a 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan that I use to Uber with and to do some camping and adventuring in as well, just got it used last year. Just recently I'm finding my work as a dealer trade driver at a local Ann Arbor Dealership slowing down really bad and my bills skyrocketing at the same exact time...oh what?!? I do Uber as a 2nd job/side hustle when i need money cuz you have to have gas money to make money with Uber. 
Is it a blessing in disguise that I watch as much youtube as I do ?? or should I be more careful for what I wish for?? I'm now in the process of getting rid of anything and everything so my trailer park can help me put my trailer up for sale or if I don't come up with rent and mortgage money soon I might just lose it..So yeah that's where I'm at in my tiny living..either way I don't want another place because I can't afford it and this place is $900 a month and I barely make $1600 or so a month so it's really hard on me right now..I've lived here when the rent was $600 a month and now I just can't afford it so I'm gonna be couch surfing and staying in my minivan with 2 dogs..yikes.. when it does happen..Tina
I do have a small Youtube channel its called Tina's Journal of Journeys
Try to hold out for another few months, it's too cold in Detroit to lose your trailer in the middle of Winter. You may want to be looking for another job that can get you through...good luck (i'm about 2 hours South of you in Ohio).
Welcome Tina to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Have a talk with your state employment office. See if they can help you find more reliable employment and/or some extra training for a new career. Maybe it will even be one that can work for a nomadic life on the road. You need a long term solution to improve your income and not just a solution for cheaper housing. There is free counseling to help you and someone is there to help you find better employment. But it is up to you to do the work of getting the help and then following through on the advice you get. That is how I did it as a newly divorced young woman with a young child. It set me up for free training for a good paying career with good benefits and some funds to live on. The training only took 6 weeks with a job waiting for me after completing the training with good marks.
Hi Tina, that sounds like a hard place to be in. If you've watched CRVL at know you are not alone. I haven't the courage to make a real move just yet but if I were in your would be all the reason I need to get off the hamster wheel of work for bills, rinse, repeat.   I'm gonna check out your YT channel too. I'm pulling for ya!
I'm doing everything I can..Putting in for better employment, paying as many bills as I can..etc ...putting the trailer up for sale. Trying to learn how to do this forum ...and reply to this works..
Hi Tina,

Are you on FB at all? A couple of good solo female van groups over there ...

I need to check out the female thread here too.
