New Idea for Hair Washing

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caretaker said:
I've been doing mine for 20 yrs. couldn't believe what they have to charge. my last set of clippers were cheaper then the price of a hair cut.

I pay $50 a cut, for a precision cut (I have short straight hair), in FL is was $60.  Before we move back down I'll get one more good cut then let it grow out long enough to throw into a pony tail.  I'll be broke as hell so none of the money if going for haircuts!
^^Hahahaha! just get really mean looking like Vasquez
Art, that's what I THINK I look like. Ha!!
I guess scary is relative, i liked Vasquez way more than Ripley, particularly the attitude
I was infatuated within minutes of her first scene in the movie, and i cried when she died
I'm assuming you've seen Aliens, but unless you like sci fi / horror, maybe not
^^^^ yeah, big sci fi geek here. I liked Ripley okay, but I'm more of a Sarah Conner gal myself.
This is awesome. I have been pouring water over my head from a bowl! Which works. But i like the hands free option lolol
My hair goes halfway down my back. I'm envisioning nothing but trouble trying to rinse my hair if I tried to use this setup. I'll stick with the pump sprayer, thank you.
Yeah they are pricey, With research you can find better deals. You can use one cap twice with long hair, maybe three with short hair. It wouldn't be my normal routine, but I wouldn't mind having a couple for emergency use.

I have used them with patients. I always used a wet wash cloth to wipe the scalp/hair down afterwards. It was necessary but always made my patients feel better.

Queen said:
If I were a dude, I'd have mine buzzed down to nothing.  Buy some clippers, get a little help from a friend to do my neck and around the ears, and DONE!

I'm not a dude, but I've had very thin, very fine hair all my life. I recently got the equivalent of a man's buzz cut. I'm using that gel stuff that helps it stand up, and I finally love my hair!! No more trying to be Farrah Fawcett for me!!
An older lady (ie, older than my 50-mumble years) at my work recently cut her hair down to about 1" long. Maybe 2" at the very front so she can gel it a bit.

Looks fantastic, really. She is super happy with it.