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May 21, 2019
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Hi, Raj here.  Briefly, (hah!) Hubby had a brain bleed stroke while working his 15th year as a towtruck driver, downsized to a smaller apartment we could barely afford, I gave up working to take care of him, got handed a 400$ rent hike, told them to go to hell, put everything in storage and moved into our 88 ford ranger.  Nearly drowned the first month when the old Brahma decided to leak after 10 years.  Hubby started get healthy again, walking with a quad cane because I tossed his wheel chair.  Worked as a tile monkey for a guy who turned out to be nice when he was sober and got a custom made shell that looks like a slide in.  Did all the homeless crap, signed all the papers, went to all the church things, got disgusted with being a 'problem to be solved'.  I wanted to go RV for years, hubby hates anything new. Now he's looking forward to some sort of box van thing.  Oh we are on a wait list.  Wait, wait, wait, every year the wait gets longer by a few more years. It has reached the point where by the time we are approved, we'll be in that box van conversion.  I have my own doll clothing business, and hubby plans to start making doll furniture as well as programming sewing machine embroidery designs in the coming years.  

I wish we had: A. stayed away from the 'homeless' mindset of that first year.  It put us in a lot of danger and made us feel like loser crap.  B. Done it sooner, like before my husband had his stroke, just over road his fear and done it.  He would still be in one piece, so to speak if we had taken that route earlier when we were both able to work, and had the credit and money to do it.  However, we are proof that you can survive hell and high water (especially if your shell leaks at 3 am in a down pour and everyone is sick half to death from 'church food' with only a shoe box 'toilet').  We have had weirdos bang on our truck in the middle of the night looking for sex and drugs.  We have had our driver side truck window and camper windows smashed out by a drug gang who wanted us off the street the police told us to park on.  We stayed and got the windows replaced before we moved on.  Stuff happens everywhere you go. 

A few weeks ago, an ex neighbor we run into at our mechanic's now and then insisted we needed to get back into housing.  We realized we had both shuddered at the idea at the same time and looked at her like she was (and is) crazy.  If we had gotten out sooner, we would not be in the straightened circumstances we are now, but we go where we want, when we want and eat a hell of a lot better than we did that first three years after his stroke.  We were educated, smart, both working good jobs, had money saved up, and paying rent for years, supporting someone else's lifestyle.  B.S.  Never again.  

So that's us.  Organic free range human beings.  Not someone else's problem to solve.   Not quite nomadic yet, but downsizing the storage unit while we save up for a bigger truck.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Raj! Wow, you two have been through a lot but it sounds like you're coming back into the good side of life again. When you get to the point where you are nomadic you may find that you're even healthier and less stressed. Best of luck moving forward!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
"So that's us.  Organic free range human beings.  Not someone else's problem to solve. "

I am lucky enough to have a son to put me up while I'm mending and planning for my next adventure. I love what you said about being "organic free range" and "not someone elses problem". That seems to say in words what I am wanting. Thanks and keep being "Free Range". It looks good on ya'.   :)
Raj I loved your post. So down to earth, living thru hell and medical trouble hell for your hubby. Yet you guys are survivors and taking your life on full force. I love that!

Saying organic free range human beings. Not someone else's problem to solve. Not quite nomadic yet,----I cheered at this :) Heading into nomadic free roaming when ya can and it gives you a new sense of oncoming adventure in your lives! ROCK ON!
Very inspiring backstory! You could write a memoir about that. Funny how your former neighbor thought the only solution was to get back into an apartment!

That homeless mindset is a downer... so much better to see life as an adventure.
Raj, you two sound tough as nails. You both keep getting handed lemons and you just keep making lemonade. My hat is off to you both.
Welcome to the forum.

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