New guy from Florida

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Aug 27, 2017
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"When I'm 64" has dawned on me and here I am. I am a retired cop from So. Florida, having moved up the I-95 corridor a few years back and bought several rental properties up this way.

 It's just me nowadays as the daughters are grown and stayed behind, the dogs (3) have passed on and the ex- I believe has moved back to the land of her birth. 

While I confess to owning and currently residing in a brick and mortar home, I just bought the 32' trailer base from a former 29' mobile home and will soon start work on it as my tiny house on wheels, sitting on 29 acres a few minutes north of Sebastian. 

I do hope to purchase (or trade into) a camper top for the Toyota AC...I will need your two Euros worth of advice & help here. Then, I hope to spend maybe two to four weeks at a time visiting fellow dysfunctional buddies and family members. 

I enjoy hiking, hunting, shooting, reloading, kayaking, gardening (well kinda, sorta anyway), reading, visiting Bass Pro & Academy stores and eating Asian & Mexican food.

Generally I am easy going and quite libertarian, a Christian ...often thought of as a loner who on occasion likes to mix with the locals up in downtown Melbourne (FL) on a Friday night. I have been know to wade into controversial waters and may do that here from time to time.

May I come aboard?
You are already aboard Steve! Welcome. The are several other retired LEOs already aboard.

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Welcome aboard Steve to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hi, Steve,
I am a long time member of the forum but have been away for a few months. So I'm looking at the Newcomer's listings. There used to be a lot more folks who would say hello to newbies here...guess I need to catch up myself.

I do want to mention that there are forbidden topics on this forum so that things stay friendly... forbidden like politics and religion. Those rules are posted somewhere here.. maybe in the Tip and Tricks that HDR gave you a link to.

Anyway, welcome.
Welcome aboard Steve !
(Ye be aboard and yer spot be the for'wd bench on th' port side rowin' position..arrrrrrrrrrrgh....)

Lots of info available here read up and/or ask questions as you like !

There are some areas of discussion that will get you a warning.
Try to avoid the controversy for a while till you get a feeling for what's what. ;)
rvpopeye said:
Welcome aboard Steve !
(Ye be aboard and yer spot be the for'wd bench on th' port side rowin' position..arrrrrrrrrrrgh....)

Lots of info available here read up and/or ask questions as you like !

There are some areas of discussion that will get you a warning.
Try to avoid the controversy for a while till you get a feeling for what's what.  ;)

Thanx Popeye,

Seems to be a common thread to fire warning shots across the bow from what i am reading. Perhaps the site needs a #!?%@■~& rant forum? LOL

Must confess, I rather enjoy truly "civil" wars. Being the libertarian that I am, I have strong 1st amendment feelings....for all parties. But I will do my best to abide by the rules.
Steve in Micco said:
May I come aboard?

As a stowaway, you are already aboard! 

Good to keep in mind that this forum is "home" to an incredibly wide variety of people, whose backgrounds, future plans, world views, life experience, & talents are mind boggling.  A pragmatic approach serves well here.  

I have found forum participants to be helpful & courteous & a lot of fun!   Do your part to keep it that way.

Welcome Steve. Congrats on your retirement my brother - last shift and going 10-7 with dispatch is a wonderful thing. Good luck with your build. Hope to see you on the road someday. Keep your powder dry..