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New member
Jun 19, 2018
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
  I'm new here and I'm not exactly sure if I will end up deciding to completely break free. But I do feel like I'm a kindred spirit and I will tell you why.  At the end of 2014, I left my husband. I had no plan. He had been emotionally and psychologically abusing me and I realized that I no longer felt safe in my own home and even in my own bed.  At the beginning of 2015, I just didn't come home from staying over at a friends place. I bounced between several people's places keeping mostly clothes in my Subaru.  In February of 2015, I was terminated from my job. I did manage to find a place to stay and I am now divorced and back living in my house with a well paying job that I love. But I had to give up half my retirement savings (PA's divorce is a financial split). It appears I was the only one who put away 10% of income. Anyway, I feel like I probably would have felt less fear if I had seen the videos and read some of the things here in this forum. I'm really glad this exists and, even if I never decide that a nomadic life is for me, I know that there are resources for surviving no matter what happens.

One more thing, I happened upon the CheapRVLiving YouTube channel via a more local YouTube channel. Since my daughter is making her second trip across the country to San Diego, I thought I might find some good tips for her. I'm going to recommend she check this out, too.
She camps out of her car mostly on these trips and it would be great if she made some contacts just in case she runs into trouble.

Welcome Adelheid to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Having a vehicle set up and ready to go at a moment's notice is a big comfort.
DLTooley said:
Having a vehicle set up and ready to go at a moment's notice is a big comfort.

That's true. Especially because I do enjoy camping but really tire of setting up a tent and I've been considering for a long time how I could set my Subaru Forester up to sleep in. I started watching a lot of videos of people living out of their vehicles voluntarily and getting alot of good ideas for things I hadn't even thought about. I'm sure I'll gain even more knowledge from this forum. I hope one day to travel more around the US and meet people. I've considered getting a Class B RV but if it's possible for me to make do with what I already have, that would be ideal.
Considering how you use the space outside your vehicle can lead to a setup that is better than an internal one - so long as you can move with the weather and aren't concerned about stealth.