Nevada Residency

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
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<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; I'v been doing a little research and have learned that the only counties in Nv. that require smogs are Clark and Washoe. There also seem to be serveral mail forwarding services located all over Nv. which for those of us who travel is handy. Another advantage is no state income tax.</P>
Don't they require you to be actually living there? &nbsp;I know obviously there are ways around that but for "legal"&nbsp;purposes&nbsp;I am curious. &nbsp;I read that in South dakota it is totally legit and the only requirement is that you bring a receipt from a hotel or campground to prove&nbsp;temporary&nbsp;residency. &nbsp;If this was the same in nevada that would be great.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; You need a Nevada address, which is quite simple to do, and voila you're golden!</P>
Hi Owl, I am a Nevada resident for all the reasons you listed. Plus I really like the libertarian principles of legalized gambling and prostitution and minimum gun control. I am a resident of Pahrump in Nye county. They have the best view toward vandwellers I have ever seen. You can live in the desert around town for years and never be hassled. You can live in a tent, crappy old RV or a million dollar RV. There is a super walmart and a Home Depot. I love Pahrump! I have a mail forwarder there who does a great job of handling my mail for me and I use her home address as my home address, here is her website: she charges $100 a year. If you sign up, tell her I sent you. <br><br>Its easy to register your car and get a drivers license.&nbsp; After you get your drivers licnese picture, you don't have to stay in the state, you can leave. It's easy to renew your registration every year over the internet.<br><br>Nevada has a great deal for seniors to camp in their state parks. After you turn 60, and if you have been a resident for 5 years, you buy a pass for a few dollars and camp in their parks for free. There are a lot of parks in forests that are high enough to be cool in the summer.&nbsp; <br><br>The one bad thing is my car insurance went up from what it was in North Carolina, but yours may be lower. Bob<br><br>
Hi everybody,

I'm resurrecting an old thread here because it is the most applicable to my question, and should probably be a sticky thread anyway.

My question relates to the documentation and timing for establishing residency in Nevada.  There is a good website on the topic:

In that document is the following text, regarding one form of documentation acceptable for establishing residency:

Record from a hotel, motel, recreational vehicle park or campground located in Nevada indicating no fewer than 30 days of consecutive residency in this state.

Here is the key question:  Can you get that receipt on Day 1, after paying for it at the RV park, and immediately take it to the DMV to get a license, or do you have to wait the 30 days, so that you have already been a resident that long before you go to get your license?

There has been some discussion of this in other threads, as far as I can remember, but never a conclusive answer.  If anyone knows for sure, it would be great to know.


While not an exact answer I can say I've been waiting for 4 weeks, so far, for my license to arrive in the mail.

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ldmccain said:
While not an exact answer I can say I've been waiting for 4 weeks, so far, for my license to arrive in the mail.  

And during this 4-week period, you've had a NV temporary drivers license in your pocket, that DMV gave you in person, I assume?

OK, but on the point of documentation ... was your residency already firmly established from being there much longer than 30 days prior to applying for your drivers license, or did you show up in NV and apply for a license immediately?  If the latter, please provide some details about which forms of documentation you used so we can see what's effective in that case.

You can take the receipt with your new physical address to the DMV right away.
If you have all your ducks in a row, a paper DL will be issued.
You can take the paper DL to a firearms dealer and purchase a pistol with a three day wait for the Brady check. You can then open carry the sidearm out and about in Nevada.
wayne49 said:
You can take the receipt with your new physical address to the DMV right away.
If you have all your ducks in a row, a paper DL will be issued.
You can take the paper DL to a firearms dealer and purchase a pistol with a three day wait for the Brady check. You can then open carry the sidearm out and about in Nevada.

I never heard of a 3 day wait for a Brady check in Nevada. I live in NYE county, so maybe that is why, (Clark County has more rules).  Even before my CCW permit, I was in and out of the gun shop in a half an hour, (with the gun). If the CCW was issued after a certain date, the Brady check is not required. I can be in and out of the gun shop now in 10 minutes.
While I appreciate as much as the next guy having the latest in rapidly-purchasable firepower duct-taped to all parts of my body, maybe we can get back to the topic of proving residency. ;-)

So, if I'm understanding right, a person can get a spot in some idyllic, moon-landscape RV park, pay for a month, get the right receipt that shows your name and a month paid, and without even sleeping that night there, rush over to DMV and start the process.  The only important factor seems to be that the receipt must list 30 days of paid RV spot rental.  Is that right?

Some States require that you intend to make that state your domicile. I would think paying in advance would show the intent.

In my particular case, I bought a house and went the same week to the DMV for the drivers licence transfer. They did not ask me if I owned or rented, or how long I lived there. They just wanted an address to mail the licence to.

If they send the licence to the RV campground and you are not there, they may not forward it to you, and return to sender it instead. I think it only took a couple of weeks to get mine in the mail. To get the federal version of the State licence, (so that you can get on an airplane or go into federal buildings without a passport, you will need other documents.
Vagabound said:
And during this 4-week period, you've had a NV temporary drivers license in your pocket, that DMV gave you in person, I assume?

Yes my voided MS license and a paper that expires in Oct...

OK, but on the point of documentation ... was your residency already firmly established from being there much longer than 30 days prior to applyi


I planned for Real ID and physical address verification by financial institutions to become more intense.

Elko county allows full time off grid living
I purchased 1.4 acres
Got deed and address
Got address from postal service
Updated my mailing address for everything....

I took 2 bank statements
2 credit card statements
Deed showing address
Birth certificate
Social security card
And a pay stub
The lady at the dmv was more than happy I had to much paperwork.
She was ready to send me away when I came up to the window.
She did mention me not having any utility bills, but did process my Real ID drivers license.

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akrvbob said:
We've covered this all in great depth before. I'm reluctant to type it all out again.

Hi Bob,

I’m taking the time and trouble to type this reply for you, but also for others who ponder when and how to get information from this forum.  I do it with respect for all of those who contribute answers, but also for those who seek answers to questions that are important to them.

You have done a lot of work to explain this and many other topics.  All appreciated by many people, including me.  If I was you, I'd be reluctant to type it all again as well.  And I wouldn’t.  Luckily, no one asked for that.  I’d just handle the repetitive, and seemingly repetitive questions a different way.  

That said, a few things that you have no real way of knowing, but should know:

1.  I have a long history of dealing with people using computers, some in forums such as this, IT work experience, help desk, more.  I know that a lot of users are either lazy or stupid or both.  However, it isn’t a good idea to assume that that applies to everyone, especially when there’s evidence to the contrary.

2.  When I ask questions, they are of a higher caliber than “Ain’t there some sort of forum thingee around here somewhere?!?”  If you look carefully at my question this time, you might see that is the case now.

3.  As a long-time interviewer and investigator, I know that people, generally, are pretty bad at answering questions.  They don’t think so.  They think they've answered wonderfully, but in fact, they did not.  Often things are left out or something mildly related is substituted for the real answer that actually fits the question.

4.  Unless it is just casual conversation, I do as much searching and reading on my own as possible before I start asking questions.  I was raised on RTFM.

5.  Before I posted in this thread, this is what I did previously, mostly in this order:

a.  I searched online to find all relevant information from the DMV in NV.  The answer is not there.

b.  I’ve read every thread and post in CRVL and watched every Enigmatic Nomadics video that I could find related to this topic.  In fact, about a month ago, I read the very thread that you just provided the link again for - "Becoming a NV Resident".  However, it is hard to remember the existence of every thread I’ve read.  In any case, the answer is not there.

c.  In that same thread, after very carefully reading it and thanking the contributors, I posted some questions there near the end of the thread.  For the most part, those questions are still unanswered in that thread, though a couple are not directly related to this current question.

d.  In the last day or two, I did several specific searches within the CRVL forum, on numerous related search terms:  Nevada; NV; residency; proof of residency; documentation; in various combinations.  Don’t recall them all.  Not to puff up, but I am pretty good at searching.  Oddly, at the end of that process, the only applicable thread was this one.  That’s right … the thread that you just provided was not in my search results.  Had it been, with a title like that, I would have noticed, remembered it, and used it.  

Now, I don’t know what will happen if I do that search again now (I won’t), but I have noticed over the last few months of use that the search function connected to this forum is, let’s just say, buggy.  It behaves in weird ways and does not return results that I know, for a fact, exist.  But that’s a topic for another day.  Moving on …

e.  Being aware of the information in your suggested thread (though not remembering the thread itself), I carefully created a post to ask a specific question related to residency documents (Post # 5 here).  That question can be seen here, so I won’t repeat it now.  However, Wayne49 mostly answered it in Post # 8.  I wanted and asked for confirmation, didn’t get it, and then you posted.


Some concluding thoughts:

*  I put in a lot of effort on my own to get this answer before I asked, respectful of the work that you and others have put into this topic.  I am probably not unique in this way.

* One of the duties of a forum administrator is merging similar threads.  These two threads are great candidates for a merge.  That hasn’t happened in this case.  

Another admin task is creating "sticky" threads where it is obvious that the topic is popular and persistent.  If ever I saw a thread that needed to be sticky, I'd say that "Nevada residency" ranks high up there.  That also has not happened in this case.  

As you know, sticky threads are good to do for the forum members, of course, but also good for the administrator and long-time contributors who get tired of answering the same questions all the time.  Had either of those things been done, this situation would be closer to resolved and less annoying and time-consuming for all concerned.

* My question was carefully tailored, using all other information as a foundation.  It should not have been reacted to as if I asked a basic “how do I get ____” question.

* Although in the thread you referenced, people including you, talk around the answer to my question (Posts # 33, 73, & 75), no one actually answered it anywhere, nor provided any firsthand info about taking the RV park receipt to the DMV immediately.  And it is no small point or technicality.  It is crucial to doing this process correctly, impacting time and money.  So, I noticed that that one piece of info was missing, from an otherwise excellent conversation, and that is why I asked.

The posts related to this topic are a small subset of the 1000’s of posts I’ve read in the last couple of months in preparation for vandwelling.  While I’m happy that all of those posts exist, and see them as a great resource, sometimes it becomes a bit overwhelming and I forget what I know and where it came from.  I’m sure that you can relate.

Maybe this will help to shed a little light on the stuff happening on the other side of the forum fence.

And, as a counter-balance ...
If you begin to get the idea that, maybe, just maybe, you're spending too much time in this forum thingee, and taking it a bit too seriously, then do yourself a favor:

Get at least half-drunk, wander on over to the SciFi Channel, and watch "Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre".  Yes, that's really the movie title.  And it's everything the name promises and more. It must win major awards just for the name alone.  It's absolutely perfect!  Pushed out my all-time favorite -- Naked Nurses from Outer Space.  

One of my hobbies is watching the worst movies ever made, ala Mystery Science Theater 3000.  Take my word for it, that movie might be the best worst movie ever made!  I feel so much better already!

Go ahead!  You know you want to!

Vagabound said:
Now, I don’t know what will happen if I do that search again now (I won’t), but I have noticed over the last few months of use that the search function connected to this forum is, let’s just say, buggy.  It behaves in weird ways and does not return results that I know, for a fact, exist.  But that’s a topic for another day.  Moving on …

Some concluding thoughts:

*  I put in a lot of effort on my own to get this answer before I asked, respectful of the work that you and others have put into this topic.  I am probably not unique in this way.

As a newbie, I have to agree that I often hesitate to ask a question for fear of having someone respond, "look it up."   I'm like you, I always try to research as much as possible before asking questions.  On the other side of the fence, when I'm experienced with a topic, it often feels as if the same questions just keep coming up over and over and over.  I always have to keep reminding myself that it isn't the same person asking over and over again.

As for the search engine being difficult/substandard, this is a common problem with forums.  If you have the terminology you need to search, then Google is the best way to go.   To restrict links to this website only, just add "" to the end of your search criteria.  Recently, I'm often finding success just typing my question directly into google.   

I'm sorry I don't know the answer to your question.
No guarantees, but I just did a google search and I think this document answers your question:  Nevada Residency Factsheet

Some relevant quotes:

LEGAL RESIDENCE Unless otherwise required by a specific statute, NRS 10.155 provides that the legal residence of a person in Nevada is that place where the person has been physically present within the State during the period for which residency is claimed. Legal residence starts on the day that such actual physical presence begins. 

MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND DRIVER’S LICENSE A person is required to apply for registration of any vehicle which he or she owns and intends to operate in the State within 30 days after becoming a resident or at the time he or she obtains a driver’s license, whichever occurs first (NRS 482.385). Also, within 30 days after becoming a resident of the State of Nevada, a person must obtain a Nevada driver’s license as a prerequisite to driving a vehicle in the State (NRS 483.245).

(bolding is mine)  I'm not a lawyer, but if you show up in Nevada with the intention of becoming a resident, then you are a resident, and the DMV wants you to get a license and vehicle registration within 30 days.  I see no minimum waiting period at all.

Hope this helps.
Tussah said:

Legal residence starts on the day that such actual physical presence begins. 


(bolding is mine)  I'm not a lawyer, but if you show up in Nevada with the intention of becoming a resident, then you are a resident, and the DMV wants you to get a license and vehicle registration within 30 days.  I see no minimum waiting period at all.

Hope this helps.

Tussah, I think you found it!  And from a source as authoritative as the state legislature.  And yes, it does help.  Nice job!  That link / document should be a part of a sticky thread if one gets created.  

Now, how a given DMV clerk will react on a given Tuesday, who knows, but at least we have the legal basis for saying what is right and can be done.  Now we just need a report back from a lab rat who did it in less than 30 days with an RV park receipt.

It does leave a bit of a squirrely question:  Now that we know that residency begins on the first day, why on Earth is DMV saying you need a lodging receipt showing residency for 30 days?  Maybe it is related to "intention".  A receipt for one night shows no intent to stay, whereas rent on apartments and such are typically paid monthly, and DMV probably sees themselves as open-minded by letting you use an RV park like an apartment or house.  I guess that will remain a mystery, and doesn't really matter as long as the "go immediately" thing works.

Thanks for digging that out and for providing more search tips.  Always want to get better at searching.

This is from the link I gave you back in post #11

Nevada Revised Statutes 482.103 and 483.141 "Resident" defined.
1. "Resident" includes, but is not limited to, a person:
a. Whose legal residence is in the State of Nevada.
b. Who engages in intrastate business and operates in such a business any motor vehicle, trailer or semi trailer, or any person maintaining such vehicles in this state, as the home state of such vehicles.
c. Who physically resides in this state and engages in a trade, profession, occupation or accepts gainful employment in this state.
d. Who declares himself to be a resident of this state to obtain privileges not ordinarily extended to nonresidents of this state.
2. The term does not include a person who is an actual tourist, an out-of-state student, a border state employee or a seasonal resident.

Someone just passing through or declaring another State as their residence, (drivers licence etc.) must come under category 2.

If you want to start residency in Nevada, I would start with applying for a driver's licence and have the new licence sent to a Nevada address. After you have that, it would be easier to acquire the documents for a " Real ID"
DannyB1954 said:
This is from the link I gave you back in post #11

Which didn't have the answer to the question, which is why I persisted, and why Tussah searched and found it.

If you want to start residency in Nevada, I would start with applying for a driver's licence and have the new licence sent to a Nevada address. After you have that, it would be easier to acquire the documents for a " Real ID"

Now that's a good suggestion worth thinking about.  Though unrelated to the question about RV park receipts, it might make getting a Real ID easier later.

