need help selecting & building out a mini bus

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Oct 24, 2017
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I live in Santa Monica, CA, have an inoperative Cancer which has been shrinking spontaneously for over a year....and and during that time, I've become obsessed w giving the nomad life a try.  My oncologist actually approves!

Finding a small newer model diesel school/ shuttle bus and hiring someone to build it out for me is my bucket list dream.  I've been so drawn to do this for some time & can't shake the feeling....this calling just keeps getting stronger & stronger.

 I would like to buy a newer model, low mileage small diesel school/ shuttle bus. But don't know anything about engines, makes, models.  Anyone have sound advice about selecting a good one?  Also, are there any carpenter nomads for hire to gut & build-out a vans/bus?? 

Thank you & warm regards.
Are you aware of the Van Build Party at Lake Havasu in November?

You would probably not be able to do a complete build there, but you could get help with getting started or doing something specific like build a bed or add solar panels.

If you don't have your rig by then, you might want to consider renting a u-haul van, or a small RV or camper van and go boondocking with the intention of a 'test' to see if its really what you might like to do.

Best of luck with the ongoing remission!
If you stay with a pre 2006 you won't have to deal with the emissions junk which did't work very well until recently
Im not sure what is available in CA, but that might determine your options. Make sure you can not just register, but insure the vehicle. If it has air brakes it will take an endorsement on our license, but I doubt the mini bus would have that.
Take a look on the net for what's available in your area and then give folks a shout here for their input.
If you buy a deisel DO NOT BUY A FORD 6.0 under and circumstances.
I did not go with diesel, but when I was considering it my research told me that the 7.3 was the Ford diesel I would want. (Based on reputation for reliability.)
I went with the 5.4L gasoline engine. I have no diesel experience and wanted to stay away from a platform with a high maintenance cost.
If your plan is to reside in CA, best to get a local vehicle with all the emission equipped options and you are wise to get a later model for that reason as older vehicles will have emission issues.

I found this near your area, but you can also use the search engine to do some looking of your own:
tx2sturgis said:
Are you aware of the Van Build Party at Lake Havasu in November?

I was amazed to see what you all could accomplish in the wilderness, which got me to thinking about my own place which has a huge 40x88 shop where I use to restore old trucks. I have had a wild hair to do some travelling for quite awhile now and was even thinking of selling my place on 19 acres. But seeing this and knowing how much folks appreciate what you do, I was wondering what might be possible if you had access to a professional shop with air compressor, cutting torch, welder, full electric power and the like? While add on and conversions are always nice, at times some mechanical requirements arise and need to be addressed from time to time by those on a very limited budget.


I am not able to do as much as when I was a younger man, but with some help I believe that we could move mountains. This is my first day as a member on this forum, but I share the desire and the will of my Tribal Brothers and Sisters. So should I take the For Sale sign down? And can I count on a few of you to help me in the labor department to assist our Tribal Mates in need?

I was also thinking that we might be able to build a project of our own, especially since this area is great for finding vehicles with little or no rust. Might be able to help some folks make a little extra pocket money if we were to sell something. A relaxed environment with a clam / cool approach? I know we could make something work if there is enough interest.

At Your Service,
There are a lot of us old farts out there who have a lot of experience and knowledge that we would love to share with people who WANT to learn, but the old body just doesn't cooperate with us.  I think that is a wonderful idea.  19 acres and a shop; does it get any better?
I hate to say this, because I live in exactly the kind of bus you are describing, but have you considered an RV? I was positive that my bus was the right choice when I bought it. But it doesn't get as good of mpg as I had hoped and the roof was super leaky. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my bus, but if I had to do it over again I would save myself the effort of building it out and get an RV for what I spent and I'd have a shower and toilet and stuff.

If you are committed to getting a bus, get a Ford with the 7.3 diesel. Mine has a quarter million miles on it and is still going strong. If you are buying one with a fiberglass shell, be advised that they are super leaky. I ended up gutting the floor and ceiling out of mine. Ended up being a bigger project than I had originally expected.
I'd love to build out an antique short bus from the early 50's. Realistically it would cost a fortune in both time and money.
hey Mo I got a line on a 50's short bus.  1951 GMC,  location Eastern Oregon.  sorry the pics are not real good.

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closeanuf said:
If you buy a deisel DO NOT BUY A FORD 6.0 under and circumstances.

I 100% Agree! Been there done 1997 7.3 liter now. 260K no major engine or tranny probs. Did you know that Ford sued the company Navistar that they had contracted to build those...and won ! But did they pass that on to the consumer....nope.  I bought a wrecked shuttle bus with a 7.3 and same E4OD Trans that only has 60K miles on it. Stripped out the eng/trans and such then took rest to salvage yard. The 7.3's do not take rebuilding well. So I got a spare set sealed up at family ranch in case I need it. Thank you !

p.s. I know if someone "bullet proofs" the 6.0's ahead of time then they end up being great engines. My Best friend has one. He's got 250K on it. Not a prob. But I'm done with them. TTYL