Need front brake job help. Will Pay You $

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Just be careful I stopped doing "free" brake jobs because people were expecting free, paying for the parts I choose was a problem I always did the best job replacing with better
because in my honest opinion it is way more important to be able to stop than start. It can be a very enjoyable process if done correctly.
Hey for next time don't replace calipers unless they need it (kind of rare), braided lines and fresh fluid are a way bigger deal.

The fluid loses the ability to work when old and or hot. And if a rubber line breaks at any wheel the whole system stops working.
Yes, brakes fixed, but now I have no power steering or power brakes. My friends and I have figured out the problem we think (the hydro-boost), and it looks like I'll have to get towed and pay for a garage after all. Not a hard job, just very time-consuming, and therefore expensive in labor.
Life goes on... :-/
bardo said:
Hey for next time don't replace calipers unless they need it (kind of rare), braided lines and fresh fluid are a way bigger deal.

The fluid loses the ability to work when old and or hot. And if a rubber line breaks at any wheel the whole system stops working.

Yes thanks, but someone else recommended I change them because the van is 16 years old, with original brake parts (other than pads). I won't be doing them again though. :)
woah slow down, the hydro-boost doesn't just stop working giving you no PB, PS. was it like that before the brakes were done? am I correct in assuming you have checked the belt, and the fluid level? does it make a whining noise? what did the person doing the brakes say about this? highdesertranger
Maybe a vacuum leak.  Like HDR said they don't just stop working. Some hydro boosters work off power steering pump.  I know it sounds crazy but I have seen it.  Get another set of eyes in there (a new set).
all hydro boosters run off the power steering pump. vacuum boosters run off the vehicles vacuum. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
woah slow down, the hydro-boost doesn't just stop working giving you no PB, PS.   was it like that before the brakes were done?  am I correct in assuming you have checked the belt,  and the fluid level?  does it make a whining noise?  what did the person doing the brakes say about this?  highdesertranger

Now had 8-different opinions on it in extensive conversations, at least 4-different kinds of tests. It can only be the hydro booster, it all comes down to that. We have checked, bled, double, triple and quadruple checked the brakes, the belt, the fluid levels, the everything. Anyhow, it's going to get towed to a reputable garage on Wednesday (a garage that several people have used and recommended including Bob) to be looked at. They will diagnose and I will pay for whatever repair it needs. Not going to burden anyone else with this repair, because its too time consuming and tricky.

It's also entirely possible that the shimmy I was having when I was braking was actually the hydro-boost going bad (a warning that has been creeping up slowly) and NOT the brakes, though they would have needed to be done soon regardless. So maybe it didn't just happen, maybe that was my warning. If so, then I'm thankful it didn't happen while I was driving off the Mogollon Rim.

Thanks for everyone's help, I appreciate you're caring. All will be well. 

I have an appointment for Wednesday... we have tried it all, there is nothing left to try. Onward...
Best of luck!
I know the feeling... if your vehicle is not well, you are not well.
NomadforNature said:
Yes, brakes fixed, but now I have no power steering or power brakes.

If both power steering and brakes aren’t working that would rule out the brake hydroboost. More likely is a failed power steering pump which is common to both the steering and brake system. A common failure on GM vehicles with hydroboost is a snapped shaft inside the steering/hydraulic pump, caused by hard application of the brakes with simultaneous steering input overloading the hydraulic system. The belt will turn the pulley and all looks normal but internally the pump impeller is no longer turning.

Just a WAG but I can imagine a scenario causing this while bleeding the brakes with a heavy foot and simultaneously turning the steering wheel to improve access of the bleeders.

google: gm hydroboost broken pump shaft