Natural, Healthy Cleaning Products that Don’t Require Running Water

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2019
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I really liked Bob's June 8, 2020 video with Sally who taught us about about natural, and healthy, cleaning products.

I want to know much more details about Sally's "potions" (my word, not hers).

Sally, if you read this thread then I'd like to see your three bottles used "in action".

For example, I know I use too much water to clean my skillet, but I don't know how to clean it with less water. It would be awesome if Bob could film you cleaning a skillet after you cooked something gunky, like scrambled eggs with broccoli (my go to).

I would also like to see how I could clean my body with a mixture of water and essential oils instead of my van's built-in shower and "Mr's Myers Clean Day" soap. I would do this if I knew how to, but I don't. I am a runner and when I come back from a long run I am soaked with sweat. That after-run shower is important to me to get clean.

I wish I knew how Sally does these common daily chores.
Dogs make great dishwashers! Do a diluted chlorine rinse after.

I sponge bath as a matter of course, only takes about half a liter of water heated over the stove. Work from top down and use a baby wipe for the rear. The other thing is to camp near water, when you can.