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I would seriously ask your PC for a sleep study to rule out apnea.
Gypsy108 said:
Now i gotta get some [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] glucosamine .....[/font]
Congrats on the land. New plans and dreams are always an up lift.

108, in regards glucosamine, I did not see you specifically mention joint problems but might have missed it. Glucosamine helps replenish the cartilage in your joints. Some people say it has no effect for them, but three years ago, I could barely climb the stairs to my apt when carrying groceries without my knees hurting. Result of a lifetime of hard use. 

But after 1 pill a day for a couple of years, my knee problems basically went away. It does take some time to build up the effects. I also have some arthritis in my hip, and the orthopedic doc said glucosamine is probably helping that too. But like everything else, don't take it if you don't need it.

Good luck with everything.
JeanInaBox said:
I would seriously ask your PC for a sleep study to rule out apnea.

i did a test about 10 years ago....NOPE !   Even if i did have it i would never sleep with that machine !
Qxxx said:
Congrats on the land. New plans and dreams are always an up lift.

108, in regards glucosamine, I did not see you specifically mention joint problems but might have missed it. Glucosamine helps replenish the cartilage in your joints. Some people say it has no effect for them, but three years ago, I could barely climb the stairs to my apt when carrying groceries without my knees hurting. Result of a lifetime of hard use. 

But after 1 pill a day for a couple of years, my knee problems basically went away. It does take some time to build up the effects. I also have some arthritis in my hip, and the orthopedic doc said glucosamine is probably helping that too. But like everything else, don't take it if you don't need it.

Good luck with everything.

THANK YOU !  :heart:    Occasionally i will have joint far it's not chronic...but THANK YOU for reminding me about glucosamine.....i will get some !!!!!!
My blood tests came back....but i need to talk with the doctor to explain some stuff....but so far :


Oof, I don't know what the last 4 items even mean. OTOH, "HIGH" may mean a bit off the end of the "allowable" range, or way off the end. I usually have a few readings a bit on the high side, and my doc doesn't get too excited. But I hope your doctor has some good recommendations.
"Excessive fatigue is another common symptom of hypothyroidism. (4) You may feel extremely tired all the time, no matter how much sleep you get."

I quoted that after googling high TSH symptoms. THIS IS EXACTLY how i feel ! Also the slow weight gaining ...
So after the follow up, I will probably start taking thyriod medication and HOPEFULLY get better !!! WHEW !!!
Well there you go, early in this thread you told me you do not have thyroid issues and that you had self diagnosed the issue as another cause. But as you just  found out self diagnosis, meaning making an assumption based on a gut feeling, is absolutely not a reliable diagnosis for such things. Good thing you got that blood test, as it also shows you have a high glucose level that needs to be addressed as well for helping your energy levels.
maki2 said:
Well there you go, early in this thread you told me you do not have thyroid issues and that you had self diagnosed the issue as another cause. 

Yeah...and when the doctor felt my thyroid, she didn't notice anything abnormal either...well...i had(some of the ) symptoms of CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).... but i'm glad got it checked out...and there will probably be more tests to refine the search for what's going on.   Yeah HIGH glucose too...ima hot mess !!
No you are not a hot mess... Those kinds of blood test results are all that unusual too see as we get older. You will get it  sorted out with a little time and extra care and effort.  It is not going to prevent you from getting in some great road trips in 2020 or hold you back from working on projects.
Went through it in my 30’s. I can tell you what’s going on. You have hypothyroid that you need to find out if it’s Hashimotos which is an autoimmune condition of the thyroid because the thyroid usually is the beginning of several autoimmune conditions. It explains your extreme fatigue. I was bedridden for almost a year.

Because your sedimentation rate is elevated ( measures inflammation in the body) I highly suspect you have other autoimmune immune conditions which need to be found and treated. Some like MS and Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are serious.

This is not part of the aging process and stress can bring it on or exacerbate it. Fibromyalgia can sometimes be associated with all this. It’s a pain ( and fatigue) syndrome.

The gamma test really needs to be checked. It means your liver is not working properly and there can be a variety of very serious illnesses or problems involved.

You aren’t a hot mess, you are ill. And you need a good rheumatologist and possibly some other specialists. There is no magic bullet. Rest, light exercise and a very healthy diet. And whatever medications each condition requires. On the positive side these autoimmune conditions are tricky and can go into remission.
And do everything you can to minimize the stress in your life. Long walks, yoga, cut down on your people interactions, decrease the demands you put on yourself, etc.

I'm totally convinced that high stress lies at the root of the aging process.
LERCA said:
Went through it in my 30’s. I can tell you what’s going on. You have hypothyroid that you need to find out if it’s Hashimotos which is an autoimmune condition of the thyroid because the thyroid usually is the beginning of several autoimmune conditions. It explains your extreme fatigue. I was bedridden for almost a year.

Because your sedimentation rate is elevated ( measures inflammation in the body) I highly suspect you have other autoimmune immune conditions which need to be found and treated. Some like MS and Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are serious.

This is not part of the aging process and stress can bring it on or exacerbate it. Fibromyalgia can sometimes be associated with all this. It’s a pain ( and fatigue) syndrome.

The gamma test really needs to be checked. It means your liver is not working properly and there can be a variety of very serious illnesses or problems involved.

You aren’t a hot mess, you are ill. And you need a good rheumatologist and possibly some other specialists. There is no magic bullet. Rest, light exercise and a very healthy diet. And whatever medications each condition requires. On the positive side these autoimmune conditions are tricky and can go into remission.

WOW at 30 ? How are you doing now ?    I'm beginning to wonder if taking melatonin is playing a part in this thyroid unbalance.....i've been taking 3-5mg's for 5 years EVERY NIGHT !!!   I WILL HAVE FOLLOW UP BLOOD TEST...DON'T WORRY...I'M ON IT.....
jacqueg said:
And do everything you can to minimize the stress in your life. Long walks, yoga, cut down on your people interactions, decrease the demands you put on yourself, etc.

I'm totally convinced that high stress lies at the root of the aging process.

i've been living in a state of fight or flight consistently for 30 years.....i have left this relationship i'm in about 7 times....always returning....i think it's Stockholm Syndrome.   The past 5 years i've been dealing with trauma caused by this relationship after finding out things about him.....i don't know how i've survived like this for so long and held down a job and remained "sane" body is showing the stress...because mentally i am strong....a survivor....
If your thyroid is autoimmune then we don’t know what causes it. We know stress is the worst for it. I took care of myself. No wacky cures just common sense and I’m one of the lucky ones who hasn’t gotten much worse. In fact not working has made me feel much better. I have other problems but my autoimmune conditions are nowhere near as bad as they were or as others I know. I believe a lot of rest and very gentle exercise are key. I don’t want to jinx myself but I’ve been living with my diagnosis for 17 years and was very sick for years before that.

is the most informative place on the internet to get an understanding of how the thyroid gland works.

You can learn the best ways to properly diagnose and treat thyroid issues.

Do not rely on the TSH levels to check thyroid function, it is not an accurate way to check things!!!

I have been 100% hypothyroid for 13 years after head and neck radiation. I found the majority of doctors don't have a clue on how to properly treat thyroid issues. The STTM website and subsequent research allowed me to regain my normal function in regards to thyroid hormones.
I've been on thyroid meds for over 30-years. No wonder I'm tired.
LERCA said:
If your thyroid is autoimmune then we don’t know what causes it. We know stress is the worst for it. I took care of myself. No wacky cures just common sense and I’m one of the lucky ones who hasn’t gotten much worse. In fact not working has made me feel much better. I have other problems but my autoimmune conditions are nowhere near as bad as they were or as others I know. I believe a lot of rest and very gentle exercise are key. I don’t want to jinx myself but I’ve been living with my diagnosis for 17 years and was very sick for years before that.

Well i was off work for a few weeks straight....last weekend i started to get my energy back, so i called my boss and told her i wanted to get back to work ( i need the money now more than ever) i started working again... and i'm still feeling i want to work as much as i can....because i plan on retiring in about a year (or less)
So maybe that break i had for two weeks was enough to jump start my engine again...and i've been more active..a little yoga & lots of house cleaning....

Doesn't DIET play a big part in autoimmune diseases ?   (Inflamation)   or i suppose stress can also cause inflammation ?
I've been trying to eat cleaner....amazing how long people have this going on with them....

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