My first cooking video-Feedback

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
I made this short video using just my phone and iMovie. I'm thinking I might make more and improve the quality a bit. I'm an experienced video editor but I've never made videos like this before (I do mostly boring corporate stuff :)).

For now though I'm just doing it to do it, and learn as I go.

What do you all think?

Quick RV cooking-Sausage Stir Fry:
Very nice[emoji779]️[emoji106]
I too love cooking, and that leads me to this question; is the roof vent enough to remove all cooking odors?
The other nice thing you have is the ability to [emoji124]stand up[emoji779]️
Very well done. I found the music distracting in a couple of places where you were speaking.
Luisafernandes said:
Very nice[emoji779]️[emoji106]
I too love cooking, and that leads me to this question; is the roof vent enough to remove all cooking odors?
The other nice thing you have is the ability to [emoji124]stand up[emoji779]️

Nice. The music could've been a little lower, and yourself louder in the mix. You were drowned out a touch.
very cool do some more. even though I am not a fan of green bell peppers or mushrooms. it gave me an idea, substitute green chilies for the bell peppers and black olives for the mushrooms. but good vid let's see some more. highdesertranger
That's one of my "go to" dishes. I skip the salt and add garlic.
I saw bananas !!!!

I'll eat nananas most everyday: Fast; Easy; Cheap; Zero clean-up
3 nananas make a complete meal.

if I wanna treat, I'll open a jar of peaches drain, and add nanaanas to the jar.
!!! Delightful !!!!! Better than candy !!!!! Healthier than cooking !!!!

(ok, ok, call be a lazy bastage if you want, cause that is half my motivation anyway) ;)
I liked the video a lot. Great to see you showing the ventilation and talking about some of the complications or differences of cooking in rv vs house. I loved that you used fresh food and not canned. I have friends who are great cooks who swear by these heat diffusers for gas cooking. They are supposed to help with evening out the heat so you don't get those hot spots you mentioned. I haven't tried it yet myself because I have electric stove in my appt but it's on my vandweller wish list for the future. I agree with the others that the music was too loud while you were talking but otherwise I thought volume was ok. Please keep more videos coming! It shows cooking away from home doesn't have to be hard or inconvenient. Great job.


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