My escape pod's REDCON status

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2012
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Had my van now since the beginning of last month so it's well past time to start a progress report. &nbsp;First of all let me explain what REDCON is. &nbsp;It's a term used in the Army to describe a unit's readiness condition. &nbsp;On a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 is Full Alert and 4 is Minimum Alert I'd say I'm currently at REDCON 4&nbsp;<img src="images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />. &nbsp;I spent the last 8 years of my life in the Army so I'll be interspersing Army lingo into my writing here and into an upcoming blog.<br /><br />So she's a 2001 Dodge Ram high top conversion van. &nbsp;Picked her up from a dealer on 5 JUN with 122,000 miles on the Dodge 318 motor. &nbsp;Seems to be in pretty good shape with only a few cosmetic defects.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Heres a few shots of the interior before I pulled the seats out.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br />You can't see it in those pics but theres an old TV and VCR above the drivers cab. &nbsp;I'm gonna pull those out for storage space. &nbsp;<br /><br />The first big job was removing the 2 captains chairs and the rear bench seat. &nbsp;Seemed simple enough. &nbsp;Bolts where easy to get to and I had the tools. &nbsp;Here's of the bolts left behind after removing a captain's chair. &nbsp;<br /><br /> <br /><br />Ok got to run looks like everyone is popping smoke early at work today with tomorrow being 4th of July. &nbsp;Will continue ASAP.
Ok back home.<img src="images/boards/smilies/cool.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />. &nbsp;Anyway taking those seats out was not as easy as it looked. &nbsp;Most of the nuts came off the bolts ok but a few decided to be stubborn where the whole bolt would spin too. &nbsp;I looked under the van to see if I could see the bolt but apparently there is some sort of double floor. &nbsp;I had to get creative with some needle nose pliers and my wrench to get the last few nuts off those bolts. &nbsp;Now what to do with the remaining bolts sticking out of the floor? &nbsp;I have no idea how to go about removing them and I sure don't want to step on them barefoot or kneel on them by accident. &nbsp;Maybe I can cover them up with something. &nbsp;Actually that's probably what I will do. &nbsp;I kept the original seats just in case I want to put her back into her original configuration someday for selling.&nbsp;<br /><br />Alright next was the back bench. &nbsp;Wow what a pain that was. &nbsp;After much cursing and sweating I got the seats removed and was able to hammer the brackets off to the side. &nbsp;This is the passenger side rear wheel well area.<br /><br /> <br /><br />I could not get those large bolts out. &nbsp;They actually do protrude through to the bottom of the van where they are secured by a very rusty bolt. &nbsp;At this point I don't really care as I will be building over them.<br /><br />Here she is with the seats removed, looking in from the back.<br /><br /> <br /><br />In my next post I will showcase my curtain setup.<br /><br /><br />
Next I needed to curtain off the drivers hole. &nbsp;I ran some 550 cord (paracord) between a couple screws and hung my old poncho liner on it. &nbsp;Affectionately called a "woobie" by soldiers this is one of the best pieces of gear I was issued. &nbsp;This went everywhere with me. &nbsp;Used as a blanket on freezing nights at Yakima Training Center in Washington State and as a privacy and window curtain on both tours of Iraq. &nbsp;<br /><br />Closed:<br /><br /> <br /><br />And open, just pulled over behind the drivers seat:<br /><br /> <br /><br />This is the setup I slept with on my first trial run. &nbsp;Just this curtain, the built in window shades(not so great, transparent), and an Army sleeping bag.<br /><br />Now for curtains. &nbsp;I just ran bungee between the seatbelt points and got some cheap curtains at walmart. &nbsp; I accidentally bought one curtain too long but it turns out was better as I could fold it over and double the thickness. &nbsp;I took the others back and got a long lengths, I belive 84". &nbsp;<br /><br />Passenger side:<br /><br /> <br /><br />Driver side open:<br /><br /> <br /><br />Driver side closed:<br /><br /> <br /><br />I didn't attach the bungee cord to the rear seat belt assembly as it wasn't far back enough. &nbsp;Instead I bough a couple cheap L brackets and put em right where a couple screws already were. &nbsp;Perfect.<br /><br /> <br /><br />A few weeks ago I scored a three layer foam mattress from the hospital I work at. &nbsp;I suppose its clean, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger right?&nbsp;<img src="images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> &nbsp;I slept on it one night, I think it's probably more comfortable then the mattress currently in my house. &nbsp;Here's a close up of the layering:<br /><br /> <br /><br />This morning's project was to remove the 2 rear seatbelt assemblies to make room for bed and cabinet construction. &nbsp;The bottom portion came out easy enough, even with the bolts exposed to the elements on the bottom. Here it is with the assembly pulled back but still hanging.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Now here's my problem. &nbsp;I can not get the top portion removed. &nbsp;First of all I don't have the right tools. &nbsp;I need some kind of hex/star tool but all I have is allen wrenches. &nbsp;I tried one that sorta fit but could not get it to budge.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Anyone got any ideas? &nbsp;Maybe I can rent a tool? &nbsp;Hate to buy one just for a single application. &nbsp;Otherwise I'm gonna have to just cut the seatbelt strap so I can remove the bottom portion of the assembly but I would like to be able to put this van back into it's original configuration if possible. &nbsp;I may change my mind on that one though. &nbsp;<br /><br />Next project is a bed. &nbsp;I'm tall so I need it mounted lengthwise down the driver side. &nbsp;I've taken some measurements and know what I want but I have NO woodworking skills so I may hire someone off craigslist to do it. &nbsp;So thats where I'm at. &nbsp;Any questions or suggestions?<br /><br />BTW I believe I have a name for her but not 100% yet. &nbsp;Soon!<br /><br />
Oh I almost forgot! &nbsp;I just installed this piece of mission critical equipment today.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Now she has soul&nbsp;<img src="images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Hey Kyron, great looking van inside and out. As for a bed, there's a thread running now "<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What's everyone&nbsp;sleeping on</span>"&nbsp;that may be of some help. One of the posters (Rollin)&nbsp;made one out of 2X4's and&nbsp;fabric and didn't look very hard to build. Lots of other folks on here have made them out of 2X2s or&nbsp;2X4s and plywood. Good luck.
Nice van! I like the progress so far, too. Unfortunatly, you will have to buy a star bit to fit your seatbelt bolt. They go into a reinforced portion of the body to withstand 1000's of pounds of force and very high "G" levels to protect you in a crash. Are you friends with anyone at a body shop? You might be able to borrow one? You will probably need a cheater bar ( handle extension) for your socket wrench too. A piece of pipe slipped over the handle works wonders. Keep us posted!
Les H said:
Nice van! I like the progress so far, too. Unfortunatly, you will have to buy a star bit to fit your seatbelt bolt. They go into a reinforced portion of the body to withstand 1000's of pounds of force and very high "G" levels to protect you in a crash. Are you friends with anyone at a body shop? You might be able to borrow one? You will probably need a cheater bar ( handle extension) for your socket wrench too. A piece of pipe slipped over the handle works wonders. Keep us posted!
<br /><br />If I can just get a bit that wouldn't be so bad. &nbsp;I'm also quite familiar with the cheater bar. &nbsp;I've had to use it for most of the bolts I've removed <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />. &nbsp;<br /><br />Hey Starman yeah I need to look over some more of those. &nbsp;I may just find something I'm willing to do myself. &nbsp;
Khyron,<br /><br />Autozone has a tool lending policy. You might check with one near you.<br /><br />Bob
Nice looking van. Those studs on the floor and seat belts can be a bugger.
<p>Thank you for your service! <br />I just had an idea. Would it be more stealthier to have a regular license plate? That license plate stands out, and the police might want to check you out more often when seeing a plate like that. It might just catch their eye, and bring your more interactions with police. <br /><br /><br /></p>
vokus said:
<p>Thank you for your service! <br />I just had an idea. Would it be more stealthier to have a regular license plate? That license plate stands out, and the police might want to check you out more often when seeing a plate like that. It might just catch their eye, and bring your more interactions with police.<br />
<br /><br />My experience has been the opposite. &nbsp;Seems to me law enforcement is much less likely to mess with you if you have veterans plate. &nbsp;Makes me look like one of the good guys, so to speak. &nbsp;Now if I had current, Active Duty plates, and was driving around an Army base? &nbsp;That's a different story. &nbsp;Lots of soldiers, young dumb and full of.... well you know, like to drive drunk on the weekends and local police are on the lookout for that sort of thing. &nbsp;NO sympathy for soldiers pulled over near an Army base. &nbsp;Thanks for your concern though&nbsp;<img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />.</p>
É£-wave said:
I've thought of getting vet plates too... <br />But last time I was at the dmv a couple years ago they had a list of specific locations to get em... think I gotta supply my dd214...
<br /><br />Yeah I had to take my dd214 down to the dmv<br /><br />
I agree though, I think cops are more likely to take it easy if you have the plates... Since I been out, I think the few times I been pulled over, having insurance with USAA helped with the way the cop treated me.<br />And there was this night when I was on leave while still active... lol. <br />Got off with a warning after a late night out with the girl.<img src="images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
<br /><br />Lol awesome. &nbsp;Yeah I got USAA also, love em. &nbsp;<br /><br />
You took out both captains chairs with the bench... I'm thinking of keeping one and turning it around when I get a van.<br />Don't know how difficult that would be...<br /> The one behind the drivers seat would be good. I'd like a place to sit with my laptop while in the van stealthy.
<br /><br />Sounds good. &nbsp;I'm gonna get a swivel mount for my front passenger seat so I can turn it around but for hanging out in the back I figure I'll just sit on the bed to read, watch movies, and use my laptop.
<br /><span><strong style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;">Nice lookin' van! Lovin' the pics, &amp; watching</strong>&nbsp;</span><span><strong><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;">your prgress, too!&nbsp;</span><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;">I'll be keeping an&nbsp;
on this one!&nbsp;<br /><br />Keep it coming! :)</span><br /><br /></strong></span>
Got it! &nbsp;I had a $20 gift card I almost forgot about for Autozone so I bought the star bit. &nbsp;Size T50 fit perfect. &nbsp;Cost me about $4.55. &nbsp;Used the breaker bar on my wrench to loosen it up and then they came out pretty easily.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Closeup of star bit and bolt.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Funny story about that black breaker bar in the first pic. &nbsp;I found it in the back of one of the van seats the day I bought it. &nbsp;It was shrink wrapped but not sure what it was for. &nbsp;Anyway the next day when I was fighting with rusted bolts while trying to remove the seats and benches I found out exactly what it was for. &nbsp;Almost like my van was speaking to me "Here dude, you're gonna need this" <img src="images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />.Funny how things come together sometimes.
And now you can start that draw in your tool box -- "Tools for one time use" ?&nbsp; --<br /><br />It might take 1 year or 20 - but one day you'll use it again - I still have a 1964 Chrysler door handle clip remover - I'm just itching to use again.<br /><br />One day you'll replace the front brake pads on a "84" Fiat -- and buy a T-40 bit --- look -- your starting a set now.<br /><br />And your breaker bar - looks like one half of a pump handle for a bottle jack ??
Thanks to all of you for your service...even changing oil. is what gets the job done.<br /><br />I have had veteran's plates forever, on my motorcycle as well as the van and I never get hassled. When I hear about people being hassled, it makes me wonder about where they live and how they behave....<br /><br />I have traveled in vehicles/motos and camped all over the entire US and never been hassled by LE's. I believe that if you are being hassled you really need to look at your behavior and where you are hanging out. If it is bad where you are, move to a better location. It's a van! Your best solution to most things will be to go to where life is good.<br /><br />If you get hassled take a good look at how you are behaving....where you are hanging out, how long, what you and your rig looks like, and correct the behavior. Sneaky or secretive will invite hassle every time.<br /><br />I think you can be sure that LE's have a lot better things to do than hassle an innocent Vandweller.<br /><br />A veteran license plate is one thing...having everything you own scream "I'M A VET! sends weird vibes to anyone...esp. LE's. Keep it all toned down. If you are a vet, you know about camo. Use it...look like an ordinary citizen. Camo doesn't mean actual camo that when used in the wrong place, stands out like a sore thumb...,it may mean a drab vehicle that sends no signals other than "I belong here". Stealth is the same concept...<br /><br />My technique, if I have one, is to stand out in a totally harmless and often humorous&nbsp; way....invite conversation and interest and then disarm with honesty and love....I even have a neck knife and that seems&nbsp; harmless worn in a way that invites comments and interest. I think I would take it off to go in a bank...LOL<br /><br />You are in charge of it all.<br />Bri
Anyone got any ideas? Maybe I can rent a tool? Hate to buy one just for a single application. Otherwise I'm gonna have to just cut the seatbelt strap so I can remove the bottom portion of the assembly but I would like to be able to put this van back into it's original configuration if possible. I may change my mind on that one though. <br />
<br /><br />Maybe ask a neighbor? I was lucky to have the correct tool, when I did the same thing a few months ago. <a href=""><br /></a><img src="" alt="" /><a href=""><br /><br /></a><br /><br />
Next project is a bed. I'm tall so I need it mounted lengthwise down the driver side. I've taken some measurements and know what I want but I have NO woodworking skills so I may hire someone off craigslist to do it. So thats where I'm at. Any questions or suggestions?
<br /><br />I think I have an advantage on you as far as the bed goes. &nbsp;<a href=""><br /></a><img src="" alt="" /><a href=""><br /><br /></a>Van