??Must I own an RV to join. Establishing Domicile and mail forwarding..

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Dec 9, 2017
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Hello fellow dwellers,
I need guidance on establishing Domicile and mail forwarding.
Has anyone gone through this? :huh:  
I am currently living on the road in my car and I do not have a physical legal domicile address any longer only a P.O. Box. I need to establish a legal domicile to move forward with my plans on getting a small RV or Cargo Van. Vehicle insurance and billing as well as all other aspects in my current situation such as medical insurance and my doctors will soon be catching up. I am on SSD and I know that I will soon need to be updating all of that too. Question is I'm considering joining Escapees for permanent domicile residence in Texas for which I already live (born and raised) ??Will escapees be my best option and most importantly do I need to own an RV to join? I don't plan on moving into a house or apartment as much as a can avoid, my only plans are to travel and be outdoors for as long as I can breathe. :D  Thanks!


I am learning something new everyday through large and small challenges.


Carlivingbychioce in TEXAS
Welcome to the CRVL forums carlivingbychoice! It looks like anyone can join Escapees because there isn't a line for type of RV on the membership form but rather than taking my word for it call them before joining just in case I'm wrong.

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welcome to the forum, it's so great to have you here.
I know this original post is from a couple of years ago, but for anyone new who is searching for the same question, you don't need an RV to join escapees. I belong to them for the domicile address and I have an SUV, and I said that in the questionnaire.
Escapees does seem to be a good option at not too high of a cost for membership. I know they have more than one state they use for domicile addresses because they have parks in a number of states.