Must Haves

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Well-known member
May 19, 2015
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If you are in a vehicle you are in a limited space and have to give thought to what you carry. You've pared down to what you need, what you like and what you can't do with out. When you have some time on the road you find things never used and usually discard them. This is about what things you must have, use daily and wouldn't do without. Things universal, by that I mean things we all might find useful and maybe hadn't thought of. So no medicines, personal health items, electronic items,etc. So, what are the 5 things you use every day or almost everyday you wouldn't want do without.


1. Pocketbooks and more pocketbooks.

2. Knife

3. Headlamp

4. Widemouth Nalgene bottle

5. Daypack

What are yours?
1. Seat-back organizer
2. Duffle Bags
3. Plastic Zip bags
4. Binder clips
5. Trekking Pole as an arm extension

I'm curious how you use all of your pocket books. Are they small like wallets, or larger lake purses?
LOL, I read them. I buy them from St. Vincent DePauls, garage sales, thrift shops. When i'm in the zone I read a book a day.
1. Lots of water containers (all sizes)
2. Ruck sack(s)
3. Knife (s) :)
4. Wok
5. Tools for vehicle (and "recovery" strap) These are important even if you don't know how to use them, the person stopping to help you might.
buckwilk said:
LOL,  I read them. I buy them from St. Vincent DePauls, garage sales, thrift shops. When i'm in the zone I read a book a day.

ROTFL ... boy, did I misunderstand that one :blush:
Sleeping bag
Set of basic tools
-TOOLS, and plenty of 'em.
-Sony e-reader with piles of Sci-fi/Fantasy on it, plus reference material.
-Motor shop manual (not olnly for my rig, but others too).
-Leatherman (tho it could be classed as a tool), which I use more than anything else.
-Laptop/tablet PC, for entertainment, keeping in touch, and finding stuff out.




Parachute cord


H2O Filter/tabs
Nice. Do you use the flint and steel often?
I have those and my bow drill kit w/ me. They live in that ruck sack. :)
Kindle [less space than 'pocketbooks' and, if I have a Verizon signal, I can order any book and read it immediately]. 

Day pack with water bag/tube.

Cell phone & Verizon jetpack [I know, I know...No electronics]

Good hiking shoes

Coffee pot [stove top percolator] and stainless steel thermos

Multi-head screwdriver [I have a leatherman multitool but don't really use it much]
Nice. Do you use the flint and steel often?
Pretty much when I start a fire...I like to do it that way with flint/steel and some type of tinder.
I like the bow and drill also.
Tools, tools, tools, and more tools lol

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