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No flares, the van comes with a road kit with those triangle reflectors, which would probably not be very good in a blizzard. But I avoid traveling in blizzards in any case. It was amazing how, when the weather was so bad, that just about the only people on that highway were truckers, and they were still highballing it like crazy people. Duh.

Reminds me, once I did drive on I-80 in Wyoming after a snow storm, and at the bottom of a long steep hill west of Laramie, there were a dozen or 20 wrecked semis and trailers in a field by the side of the road. Hmmm.
Qxxx said:
But I avoid traveling in blizzards in any case. 
People who are from there, southern Wyoming, tend to avoid any travel during the really bad storms that come up there. Time to stay in and put another log on the fire. I-80 is legendary for blizzards and white outs, the way the wind howls through there. Also I-25 going north around Chugwater WY is a graveyard of empty semi's that get blown off the road. They have a wind sock to let you know, but you can still get caught by a gust. I was a territory rep when I lived there, and logged a lot of miles driving through storms.  The most scary one was a twister out on the flats. Totally exposed, don't try to outrun it like we did. Bad plan.   ~crofter
25 years in Colorado, I drove in a lot a blizzards, but now I'm retired to low-snow paradise. 

Well, crofter, you've definitely led a full life, :). Next time the twister comes, try to head sideways. Here shows what not to do.... starting about 1:30. No, no, go sideways, go sidesways!!

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