The engine in my truck works fine, good compression & I rebuilt the bottom end, but it has the totally crappy E4OD tranny. I COULD pop in another torque converter and maybe pump, but that's plenty of work (tho it can be done in situ) and I don't want to pump money into a lo-dollar truck. Also, even with some new parts, the tranny might go tits-up anyway.
This kinda leaves me at a crossroads.. fix it, flog it and get a better truck, or flog it and get a whole different setup. I checked out that mini school bus yesterday and one of the cylinders was knocking. No dice there, and the other one had 16.5" rims w. the front tires skinned and the 'check engine' light on. I'd have to invest over a grand in tires/rims on it and, doing some hard thinking, I figured that 10' of usable interior length is not quite enuf.. 12' would be ideal. ..Willy.