Mexico Bound!

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Oct 5, 2012
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I am in the beginning stages of planning a move to Mexico next spring. &nbsp;I will be selling off my ebay business and moving from a 3 bedroom house into a small motorhome RV or slide-in camper and moving to Mexico solo with my two little dogs. &nbsp;I will be teaching English down there, primarily in the Yucatan, and looking to get a small RV that can be made totally self-sufficient. &nbsp;Any advice would be great; I don't have a vehicle yet and am on a strict budget!<br /><br /><h2 style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';">&nbsp;</h2>
You've probably done so already, but if you haven't, you'd be well advised to look into the cost of taking an RV into Mexico for a long-term stay.&nbsp; You mentioned being on a tight budget, and the Mexican fees are rumored to be impressive for RVs entering with the intention of more than a short visit.<br /><br />Yucatan's great, though.&nbsp; Good knowing there are such jobs to be had down there.&nbsp; If I were younger I might do it myself.<br /><br />Best of luck to you on the adventure.
From what I have read so far, the primary cost for Rv'ing on Mexico roads comes from inflated tolls-based on number of axels- (and fuel, of course). &nbsp;Are there additional, large fees at the border? &nbsp;I will also be taking a motorbike or small car so that transportation costs, once I am established and have parked my Rv, will be diminished.
58,000 miles on a vehicle that oldmeans it's done A LOT of sitting. All systems, mechanical, electrical, plumbing need a thorough going over and testing
Thanks for the advice, cyndi! &nbsp;I went and had a quick look at it yesterday and it looked very well-kept but I haven't had a chance to inspect it thoroughly or talk to the owner. &nbsp;The interior is just perfect for me in size and style.<br /><br />
I think, in the parlance of where you'll be going with it, the locals might use the word "<em>chingadera</em>" to describe it. That's just a guess on my part though.<br /><br /><br />
Congrats on your Mexico Adventure and welcome to the site!&nbsp;
zorra666 said:
Hopefully, "Chingadera" in a good way!
<br /><br />For sure. I would second getting that thing looked over completely to be safe.<br /><br />
Like others said, get it looked at. Low miles on something old isn't always a good deal.&nbsp; Looks like you are from the Ohio area? I'm in Dayton.<br />Dragonfly
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>I can personally vouch for low miles on an old one not necessarily being a good thing. Mine's a '74 Class C with 53k on it, &amp; it's been one problem after another for the 2 years I've owned it. STILL haven't gotten it running, but if I ever do, I'm gonna BAIL for whatever I can get out of it. </strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Never again will I ever buy ANY kind of motorhome more than 20 years old, no matter WHAT the mileage, no matter HOW good the condition APPEARS, or HOW good a deal it seems to be.<br /><br />YMMV...<br /><br /></strong></span>
Thanks for the advice! &nbsp;I have plenty of time to find the right "new home" for heading to Mexico; the age and style of this one intrigued me. &nbsp;I will definitely have it looked at by my mechanic if I decide to move further on it; it has been for sale for about 6 months so maybe he will keep lowering the price!<br /><br />Are there some major problems I should look for specifically when looking at older RVs?<br /><br /><br /><br />
And, yes Dragonfly, I live in Lima, Ohio and am EAGER to get outta here! &nbsp;It is so depressing! &nbsp;At least Dayton has some yummy restaurants (and some truly magical thrift stores!).
zorra666 said:
From what I have read so far, the primary cost for Rv'ing on Mexico roads comes from inflated tolls-based on number of axels- (and fuel, of course). &nbsp;Are there additional, large fees at the border? &nbsp;I will also be taking a motorbike or small car so that transportation costs, once I am established and have parked my Rv, will be diminished.
There's a thread, <em><strong>I have land in the Yucatan and want to start a farm community</strong></em>, <a href=";groupId=2058657:Group:9359">;groupId=2058657:Group:9359</a>&nbsp;where some of the questions on your mind might be answered.<br /><br />There was considerable discussion on the issue there for a while.
Thanks,&nbsp;<span style="white-space: nowrap;">josephusminimus; good info there!</span>
<p>As a former Buckeye (Akron area), welcome. &nbsp;<br /><br />I spent last winter in Mexico and expect to cross over for this winter in mid November. &nbsp;Probably will cross in Texas. &nbsp; I use a small class C. &nbsp;Took the toll roads some and the "libre" or free roads other times. &nbsp;The toll roads do cost, but you get insurance and the "green angels" road services trucks that wander the highways. &nbsp;It is supposedly a bit safer too. &nbsp;If you have a "dually" rear axle the tolls are about twice as much. &nbsp;But again, there is always a free road that goes through the small towns too that generally runs parallel to the toll road.<br /><br />The fees to enter were pretty minor for an RV. &nbsp;I think it was about $50 for the ten year permit for the RV. &nbsp;There is no deposit for RV's, unlike other vehicles where there is a deposit based on the age of the vehicle to make sure you take the vehicle out after 6 months (which is also your maximum stay with a tourist entry). &nbsp;The actual personal entry fee was something like $20. &nbsp;<br /><br />Fuel costs are a bit cheaper down there. &nbsp;I think it is probably a bit over $3 a gallon at this point, but exchange rates come into play. &nbsp;Folks are a whole lot more tolerant about street camping though.&nbsp;</p><p><br />Since you have a few months, I would go over to the <a href="">Mexico/South America forum at RV.Net </a>where all of this and more is discussed and they have a bunch of "sticky" posts for standard stuff like insurance, border crossing, etc. &nbsp;PM me if you like if you have any other questions.<br /><br />PS. based on your web site and apparent interest in the arts, you may want to wander down by way of San Miguel de Allende. &nbsp;Great little artsy city in the central highlands. &nbsp;Lots of European influence too.</p>
Wonderful, Mike! &nbsp;Thank you so much for the information! &nbsp;I am hoping to either get a small motorhome or a slide-in truck camper and get a motorbike for puttering around. &nbsp;I intend on being down there for 1-2 years teaching English wherever the proverbial winds take me. &nbsp;<br /><br />I'll definitely check out the Mexico/S America forum especially when I get closer to leaving! &nbsp;Thanks!