Meet Max

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Jim he is so cute!  I showed him to Queenie and she said " He's pretty but a little young.  I'd still like to maybe eat him some time.    :angel:    Just kidding.  She is doing great on becoming re socialized after being attacked 3 times.  She actully has a orange stripped tom cat that's a woods kitty that she plays and wrestles with.  Everyone that knows us is very surprised!  She chases his sister, however I think it's just because she runs from her.  

I'm sure you guys will have fun traveling together.  How is he in the Expedition?

He does great in the truck calling shotgun forever. (better tell queenie that ;) ) He has the perfect bed to fit that seat and shopping carts too.
How cute!! So happy for you! :D

My parents just said no more after theirs passed about a month ago after 12 years. Guess what they're doing today? Hopping in their truck and heading to another state to rescue one just like their previous.. My dad said no more puppies, this one is 10 years old, at the shelter needing a home, same Westie as their previous, AND... same name of Wesley.
So, Jim... MORE PICS!!!! (please)
I can't imagine life without dogs, BUT when I lose my two I am going to have to be disciplined in not filling the gap right away so that I can hike the PCT and Te Araroa and visit a few other countries. But with those things checked off the bucket list it would be time for another dog!
Queen said:
So, Jim... MORE PICS!!!!  (please)

Working on it. He hasn't sat still much since the "I am adorable" shot. I think I should have named him zoom. ;)

It's easy to say no more especially when it seems they tie you down or are going through getting old with health issues. Even after having the last three break my heart the desire to get another was so strong that I was looking at them online even though I had said no more. My biggest worry isn't being tied down, it's having to leave him alone. I can tell you right now he has a half a dozen volunteer dog sitters just waiting to keep him company and that's without even asking. Then again I've done the travel thing already. My biggest trip will be across the border for meds. I bet I can get him groomed while I do that.
As I always tell my husband "You know what happens when we JUST look." Guess we aren't the only ones with that "issue".
Very cute! Take one look at those eyes, and we ALL know who is going to be the boss in that rig!

"...I know, I said never again after the last three."

You've heard of The Greatest Story Ever Told? Well, GUESS what the biggest LIE is?

Just one tip: don't let him drive. Dogs drive like teenaged boys, and will increase your insurance rates.
Oh no, I'm the bo...wait Max is hungry

As I was saying, I'm the....what honey, you don't want that food? Okay.

Now then where was I, Oh yeah , just a minute Max likes his water fresh from the deep rock bottle. The water in the bowl has to be at least 10 minutes old.

We will have to continue this later, Max wants a walk. He likes his walks and they are good for me I think. Sure am getting stiff though.
sounds more like being owned by a cat (yes, I said that, people don't own cats, it's the other way 'round)
Dogs, cats.... it doesn't matter. They say 'jump', and we ask 'how high?'
Give that sweetie a big kiss on the head from me. So cute...

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Thanks I have,

He got his first bath yesterday as he was looking more like a dirty blond than his brilliant white. It made me really glad I didn't replace the tub with a basin. I still need to get a small hair dryer to make him all poofy. :)

He is also telling me how much he wants to be a boondocking dog that gets to run around off leash. ( highly supervised of course) He is doing this by refusing to wee on the leash and since we were in a park when dad found out he needs to sleep more than three hours a night, the only time he is off leash is inside. He isn't the first stubborn schnauzer dad has butted heads with, he is the fifth. I chose the breed for their intelligence and personality, there is always a test of wills along the way.
Jim: 1. Put pup on leash. 2. Go outside. 3. Repeat "hurry up" or some other short phrase. 4. When he finally does it, instantly tell him 'good boy' and give him a treat. Once he catches on, only give a treat every other time, then every third, etc. This is referred to as the 'Slot Machine Training Method', as it works the same way in humans.

I used to travel with a dog that took FOREVER to find the rigfht spot. At a motel. In the winter. In the rain. The next dog, I trained her to pee on command, with the added benefit that if the vet wanted a pee sample, I would just take their long-handled collector outside and we would be back in the office in three minutes!

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