McDonald's. Yum..... well. .. its cheap.

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2019
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I recently started eating more mickie D's or maccas depending on where you live.

I almost never eat from the golden arches. But their new app is interesting. The rewards are not worth it. But its something. Anyway where I am there seems to be a perpetual offer that expires daily. 2 for $5 quarter pounder, big mac, nuggets, or filet o fish.

I've been getting the big mac. 1 for lunch and 1 for dinner. 5 bucks for 2 meals. The chemicals might even make me live forever. Who knows? XD

But anyway. Check it out. If you're gonna eat there anyway d/l the app and get a free ice cream cone for every 15 bucks spent.

You gotta have spending discipline though. I thought I did until I walked out of there with fries and extra burgers and such. Cold sodas instead of the room temp ones I have in the van.

But the big mac at least has lettuce right? I mean it's not biodegradable lettuce which is concerning.... but it's just lettuce and potassium metabisulfite right? What could go wrong? XD
Around here it's about $9.00 for a Big Mac meal.   Not "cheap" imo.

No thanks!

Not far away you can get 1/4 open grilled chicken with black beans and rice for $6.00

Less money and FAR better for you than the 50 years unrefrigerated  shelf life stuff you get at the arches.
It's crappy food but if I'm on the road and in a hurry, I'll grab a couple McDoubles and a large drink.

If in the morning some places have sausage mcmuffin 2 for $2. That and a large Diet Coke makes it $3.
It's convenient...but should only be indulged in once a week as you will gain weight, plus consider all the salt and grease...which are the parts I crave, LOL.
I have a fondness for a sausage biscuit, hashbrowns and orange juice in the morning once in a while. Or a regular burger and small fries.
I don’t enjoy McDonald’s but as you say it’s convenient and if you fill out the survey on the receipt you get a freebie. It used to be buy one get one free Egg McMuffin (not a bad breakfast) or quarter pounder. Lately I’ve been getting a free ice cream cone on that coupon. That’s great because I go back and order a one dollar root beer with no ice. I drink a little bit of the root beer and put the ice cream cone in the root beer and I have a one dollar root beer float. and because I paid a dollar for that root beer I get another coupon with a survey on it to get me another freebie. Of course my major reason for visiting McDonald’s is I love their coffee. I love to go to the drive-through at McDonald’s and order a whopper.
This happens EVERY TIME I go to McDonalds:

I walk up, place my order with the brainless teenaged cashier.."I'd like a fish sandwich and two regular cheeseburgers"

Clerk-o-bot: "You want the meal?"

"No just the fish sandwich and the two regular cheeseburgers'

tap tap tap....tap..."Um you want the cheeseburger with the meal?

'No just a fish meal, just the sandwich. And two regular cheeseburgers. No meal, just the two cheeseburgers" tap...stare...tap

"Ok, want the fish sandwich by itself? 

"yes, no meal, just the sandwich"

"Ok that will be $4.38"

"Is that including the two cheeseburgers?"

"Oh you want the Cheeseburger meal??"

"No...just the two regular cheeseburgers, and no fries or drink or anything....just the burgers please"

tap tap....BEEP!

"Can I get a supervisor over here?"

We wait. a minute later, another teenager puts a key in the machine and clears the entire transaction.

"Ok, can I take your order sir?"

I walk out and head for Burger King!

I love fast food but just limit how much I eat at a sitting. For breakfast I might get a sausage mcmuffin OR 1 or 2 breakfast burritos. Any other time I might get two cheeseburgers. Currrently I like to get a Wendy's junior cheeseburger with a free junior frosty (free keytag frosty).
tx2sturgis said:
This happens EVERY TIME I go to McDonalds:..

I walk out and head for Burger King!

I've always had that experience at BK, which is one of the reasons I never go there. I'd rather take my chances with the paper-thin burgers at Mickey Dees.
I just read my earlier post on this thread and now I’m heading to McDonald’s and going through my coupons for that root beer float.
I haven't had a root beer float for years and I've been craving one lately.

Tomorrow son and I are going to go to a newly opened, locally owned hamburger place in town. They grind their own hamburger and patty it up right before cooking. Cut their own fries and hand batter their own onion rings. Make all their own sauces. They've been getting stellar reviews and I'm excited (to be off this diet for one day if nothing else) even though I know there's no way I'll be able to eat a whole hamburger. Son can have the other half for lunch Sunday.

And....they just happen to have root beer floats on their menu! Too bad we'll be getting our meal to go. I'll stop by and check out the root beet float next day off my diet.
family will eat this crap, I won't

for cost it is outrageous for less than great food point blank cause I can easily get $5 a lb. real burger not transported or touched by less than stellar handlers til and long term whatever interference, I eat it and make my own burgers and eat fine LOL

thing is I get food....just there and convenient and made for you and and and....yes I get this LOL my family will suck it up just like that, ME I WON'T touch that stuff like the plague.

I am the healthiest in my family point blank so it shows alot to me about what crap food is out there and what we 'do for convenience' and again, I get it LOL but we all choose but those who love the fast food, have at it and enjoy :) I guess :) Eat what makes ya happy but also remember when the shit hits the fan on health, remember what ya ate to get there!
The local paper in my old home town which had 2 or 3 Subways locally owned always had coupons on Wednesdays for buy one get one free and they always gave you the coupons back to use again as they were good for a week. Their daily specials were $5.99 for a 12" sandwich, so if I got the special and used the coupon I got two 12" sandwiches for less than $7. I made at least 2 meals a day and sometimes two days worth of fairly healthy food. I spent about $50 a month while I was home.
I'm much more likely to stop at a Subway than at a McDonalds. In fact, I was at a Subway just a few days ago in Yreka to get one of their mini-pizzas covered with vegetables. Hadn't had one in months. Pizza here in town is much better but also more money and more calories.
I Really like a fresh, homemade Club Sandwich with fresh turkey, lettuce, tomato, cheese, avacado, bacon and mayo.

With a side order of home made french fries and dill pickle spear.

"I love to go to the drive-through at McDonald’s and order a whopper."

My kids still cringe about the time I ordered McNuggets at the Burger King!
I like the seasonal salads at Wendy's. Always order the pear one if nothing else, they come with good grilled chicken and are nice and fresh tasting. Big enough for 2 meals for me. Love the sweet nuts and tons of blue cheese and raspberry dressing. Not real cheap, but not really spendy either since I usually get 2 meals worth out of it. Hubby love McD's and I hate them he says it's cheap enough to be tasty. To me it is just cheap and tastes cheap.
It's super unhealthy food. Try not to eat it very often. It's better to ask in cafe's to make your breakfast "take away" so you could eat it easily in the car.